Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blogs and bloggers

I never had a pen-pal, or 'secret-pal'.

Today was a long day, The eye appointment was a disappointment. We arrived early and Sherry was called on time. I sat in the waiting room and read some magazines. Then I thought of my Amazon Fire in the car with some Western's on it I had not read, so I retrieved it. and Read some. I looked at my watch and it had been over an hour. This was only a check up to see how the surgery awhile ago was doing.  I saw patients go in and come out and no wife showed up.

After awhile she walked out, she had seen a couple of technicians but had been sitting for over a half hour to see the doctor, and she was fit to be tied.  I said are you ready to go she said "YES".  She told the technician she was leaving and the look on the lady's face was shock, like you can't do that ( or we forgot you).

Asked if she could reschedule and Sherry replied no.  She had already been rescheduled to fit the doctor's schedule. Anyway we left. The only other time something like this has happened was when I waited over 45 minutes past a dental appointment, and walked out.

We are both usually more understanding (and forgiving) than that, but we were supposed to pick up Son Mark 70 miles down the road and travel another 40 miles to meet Josh and Megan for dinner.

I understand emergencies happen, but common courtesy should be informing someone who is waiting.  One gets the idea 'you are here at my beck and call'.   Even retired, our time is important and we also have plans.

But to Blogs, Bloggers and pen pals.

After the above incident we did have a great time with the kids (?). We had supper at ‘The Conch Republic’ at Redington Beach (ST. Pete Area). It was near midnight when we got home. I just looked up at the clock and it is about 1:30AM.  I opened the computer and realized I was about to visit friends. I had a few blogs to read and you guys made my morning. It was like a visit from old friends.  Talking about dad's, self checkout, real Halloween, Jean taking care of Grover, Scenes of leaves in the Blue ridge, one trying to find a way to forgive a  (not so) thoughtful husband, One who has an angel in her work life, Someone cold in NY, and friends  seeing freezing weather in Wisconsin, and much much more.

I realized you   guys are the best, THANKS. Oh, and on the way home I stopped for gas and bought a Big cup of ice with a little drink in it. The Clerk was a bundle of joy. A guy who exuded happiness.
Life is good, I guess finally at 77-78, I have Pen Pals.

Nite Shipslog

today started as one of these days,

But ended like this:


baili said...

your header writing and photo is so captivate and liked your interesting fun post too

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry about the eye appointment. That can be aggravating when you have somewhere else to be. There are very few doctors anymore that are on time and it seems they're always in a rush when they do see you. I miss my old ones as they've retired and haven't been able to find any good replacements. Anyway glad you enjoyed your dinner and visit. I like you always enjoy reading blogs...Always good to visit with friends.

betty said...

I am glad I am a penpal of you and Sherry. Fun to read what people write, so frustrating about waiting at the doctor office. That was inexcusable that no one checked on Sherry for that long period of time. I used to type for a doctor group that scheduled patients 15 minutes apart. They wouldn't take a patient if the patient got there late and they charged a patient if they didn't show up for their appointment. I always wondered if they themselves kept on time.


Dar said...

I understand the frustration of ' waiting ' for a 15 min or less doctor's visit. and then they charge a couple hundred for a routine check-up. We've walked out on a few too.
But on the sunnier side, I have always enjoyed your blog and need to rekindle mine. It's an easier thing for me in the winter, however. We did get the cold but not the predicted snowflakes, amen. It's actually quite nice out so we've been enjoying every second of it.
Love ya, penpal from way up nort' where the sun shines today.

Woody said...

I had to go for and eye exam today in a Snow Storm, I didn't wait, I am now into TRI focals, Oh Well, I can see !! You 2 take care !!!!
Gary an Anna Mae !!

Jackie said...

I'm sorry Sherry wasn't seen by the doctor today. I believe that doctors over schedule. That's a shame, too. Hugs for her....
Thank you for being a faithful blogger. I don't blog like I used to, but there are still blogs that I enjoy reading. It is like "coming home" to be here at your blog. You are such a nice guy. A gentleman, you are, and I'm afraid there aren't as many left in this ole crazy world as there used to be.
I am married to one. My hubby is a wonderful gentleman. And Sherry is married to one.
Thank you for your blog.....

Mevely317 said...

Ah, you're so cute!
(I spotted this shortly after 4-bells, but in my rush to get ready to face the day, didn't take the time to respond.)

I'm like, totally offended on Sherry's (and your) behalf. If memory serves, isn't this the much bally-hooed St. Luke's, whose founder is so involved in patient care? OK, I realize everyone's human and gets 'caught up', but for no-one to come check on Sherry and keep her appraised is inexcusable.

Dang, but I don't recall that restaurant on Red Beach. Then again, I've been gone longer than it seems. So glad you were able to keep your 'date' with the kids and return safe and sound.

Proud to be your pen pal! :)

Mevely317 said...

I meant to say, apprised -- not appraised!
'Know Sherry's a treasure, but still ....

Rick Watson said...

Hey Jack, you can rate doctors on several websites. I'd lite 'em up
Also, I would make sure they don't charge your insurance for an office visit

2023 said...

That almost every one of your days ends well, regardless of annoying problems along the way, is a huge tribute to the way you & Sherry look at life.

شركة الماسة said...
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Tarek Ali said...

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