Thursday, March 13, 2025

What’s happening?

 Photo of the day:

This is our duplex,  it is designed and listed as Condos. The side you see here is the rental unit. We live in the far side when in NC, I am working on the basement presently..

For today:

Things around here have become unglued.

1.       I lost a very good friend from my tour in the USN. DAN Doughton, my immediate boss and leading Chief in Naval Intelligence.  Dan was also my best friend in the USN in Key West. We worked closely together. He picked me to travel to Philadelphia with him on temporary duty to assist a contractor in writing a manual for a new processing system.  We were away from our families for a few weeks and during that time his wife, Joan, taught Sherry to swim, she had always wanted to learn.

    Dan was Catholic. I learned he was very involved in his church. I understand a person must be beyond reproach to be selected by his priest to administer the sacrament. Dan was chosen to visit the bedfast Catholics and serve the communion. I will miss knowing Dan is no longer living up there in Lancaster, PA  He was such a great guy.


2    My Sweetheart has been sick, and I have been doing my best to handle the household things and meals. One test came back said she was suffering from e-Coli. I have learned that doesn’t bother informed medical folk, but E-COLI scares the crap  out of me. I associate it with DEATH.  We had a friend who died, we were informed it was due to E-Coli!!!!

AT my insistence, she called for an appointment with her physician, a PA. We learned it is a common problem; it may heal itself with antibiotics. She is now on her second round of them. I am not doing a great job, but I am trying to be her caregiver. ;-(


I am not the best about this, but she smiles, although she doesn’t feel like it.

Will be around again soon, I hope

I have started a big project of making a 2 BR apartment in the basement of our rental unit.  Hoping to make it livable in a few months, and pay as we gol

 Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net, thank you for being here…

Monday, March 10, 2025

I am still above the worms

 Just a quick note to say I am still alive and kicking, just not too high. LOL   A few bumps in the road.  Finding more of them since I am closer to 90 than 80 now.  My brother used to fake a big smile and say I can smile when it hurts.  I have learned there are pains that have nothing to do with physical hurting.

Thanks for being there for me to cry on your shoulders.  LOL

LOVE sent out from North CArolina.  I will be back in a few days....

Nite Shipslog

Comments off.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The folding Piano


Photo of the day:

These pictures were on my phone, Jack Jr. had to show me how to get them to this blog. ;-O


The top photo is our piano.  It is a heavy decoration. Only visitors play it. I took one fifty cent lesson in 1946. Sherry once learned a few songs, but never continued so it sits until Grandson Josh drops by or someone else plays us a few songs. The book is one written by our friend Victor who lives:  ‘OVER THERE’.

So for today:

We had a great family get together last Saturday.

I know all you Grandparents think your grands are the best, but Imma tell you that ours are the best.  I am smiling because it is SWEET that we all can have the BEST MOM and BEST Grands.

We do have some of the BEST. All have a good work ethic and have been successful. BUT today I am thinking of a special guy. Joshua is very brainy in the software area. 


He and I sorta joke back and forth about the electronic antique days. Since I was fortunate to be in on the first break thru in commercial ‘computers’. I repaired them and programmed some using antic words like Fortran and Cobol.  Now he talks the machine’s language. And does fantastic things that fit inside the computer’s brain.

He never ceases to amaze me at what he can do physically (He ran a 15 mile ½ marathon just before coming to the party last Saturday). BUT on the brainy and talent end he brought with him his piano. It was just about small enough to be in his pocket!

Here it is on the table in our picnic area.


Then he unfolded it!!


And then he played it. He is an excellent musician also.


We all stood around in Awe as it actually could be played. LOL

Isn’t life amazing?

Oh and the party planned and payed for by son Mark, Son Jack Jr. joined in and it was one of the best family get-togethers we have had. WE love to see the cousins playing together...

Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net, thank you for being here… reading and when you can leaving a comment. WE appreciate it.

Friday, February 28, 2025



This is a shot from the Bad Lands.  When the pioneers got here, of courst they had to go around... ;-)


I am  free handing this. I will be off for a few days. Things are  busy here in NC.  We have one renter.  She was attacked by another neighbor's dog. She wasn't bitten but the dog jumped on her back and became entangled in her sweater   trying  to get to her little poodle which she was holding.  She is pretty shook up.

I have always enjoyed and got along with my neighbors.  This one, with the PIT mix, I am not sure of.

I have had an overload of repairs that have come my way.  One being a sewer pump,  not a fun one I must say. 

I hope to return in a few days.

The best to all of you that I consider my friends.

Nite Shipslogs,

 another problem is this computer, I cannot see the next line ai am typing.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

At times a good idea, just does not work.

   Photo of the day:


The Corn Palace, Mitchel, South DAkota an amazing place, this place is covered with corn... A haven for birds. LOL

So for today:

We are now at our home base, Belmont, NC. It is no secret Sherry and I travel a lot. We left Florida early on Tuesday. I drove for over 8 hours covering 529 miles. I am sure that is not a record for an 86 year old man, but I did not hit anyone nor get a ticket for speeding.

However traveling that far that fast, has started taking a toll on us me thinks.  Now after the trip Sherry says she still feel like she is moving.  This time I think I feel it a little.

I am beat, will continue in the AM.

I DID NOT get back as planned. Like the following truth in our lives.

Before we were on the road full time. We often just took long drives. A crazy idea. ….   Once we decided to leave our drive and flip a coin at every turn. Heads right, tails left. In 30 minutes we were back where we started, True Dat!

So that idea went out the window.

I will sign off for today and hope to do better next time.

Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net, thank you for being here…


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

There are good surprises in life.

 Photo of the day:


                                        Yes we walked through a tree once!

So for today:

Sherry and I do not require a lot of space to live. Our first home was a 27’ trailer. If you were ever in LOVE you might remember the first weeks, months, and for some into years, when you cannot get enough of each other. The space you shared did not matter, mansion or cabin..

We have had a great union, I will always say the reason is my girl, she is very tolerant.  Well, except for one thing, she makes no bones about it, if I have an affair, and she finds out, it is all over. I’M SORRY! won’t do any good!!!  I believe her.  :-O!  So I do like Johnny Cash, “I walk the Line!!” LOL  Really that has never been a problem, thank goodness!  When you have the BEST,,,, well that should ‘splain it.

Anyway, like always, I wander on this blog.

Old Faithful,  the Geyser erupts every 90 minutes in Yellowstone.

Since we do not require a lot of room, we do great in an RV. I cannot say the most interesting place we have been to. We both enjoy nature so Yellowstone National Park is great. And the Highway to the Sun in Montana was a super drive. That was the first time I saw a lot of Mountain Goats. They looked like they could be standing still and leap 6’ into the air.

We have been to and enjoyed several ‘Hot Springs’. They amaze me. Steaming water coming straight out of the earth. We enjoyed one in the Canadian Yukon, the Big Bend area of Texas and in North Carolina. When you sat in the one in Texas I put my arm over into the Rio Grande River.

Oh yes and we loved the giant Red Woods in California. We walked thru one….

  Sherry wanted to drive thru one. We found one they charged $5 just to drive thru and she got her wish.

The USA is so interesting. Custer State Park in South Dakota is a sweet visit. There are several tunnels; one is special, halfway thru you see Mt. Rushmore at the other end, it looks like it is framed and grabs you!  The tunnel was dug during the depression, giving people jobs (WPA) . I bet someone planned that one.

Ceratinly Mt Rushmore is IMPRESSIVE! So is The Crazy Horse Memorial just south of Custer Nat’l Park.  Then not many miles away is The Devil’s tower it is something to see.

Above was the CrazyHorse  in South Dakota, progress in 2004  Below is what it will be like if it is ever finished.

the Devil's tower in Wyoming.  Looks like the trunk of a giant tree.
 I can  understand going to see the Devil's Tower BUT

 ....... How can we Christians eat Deviled Eggs?   (LOL)

When Sherry and I started traveling seriously, we drove around 300 miles and stop for a week and look around.


Nite Shipslog



Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net. It is good to interact with you guys.


Monday, February 24, 2025

More about Those Holy people or just church in general.

 Photo of Home:

 I lived here for a couple years, Another home that really moved around, twice across the Atlantic, to the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.

Now for today:

First off, This Past Sunday we attended Church services at the RV Park.  The Manager, Joe, is a minister and holds Services here on the park.  There were times when Evelyn, Sherry’s friend from High School, played the piano. I even drew a picture one Sunday for service.  It is of course non-denominational.

Along that line. In the USN most ships cannot have more than one chaplain, so he must take care of Catholic and protestant services. I smile to think of Father Ignatius, he would have been good at that. LOL

ABOUT AL and Judy. We could not help but notice they attended Mass EVERY Saturday. (I will be the first to say I have no idea what Mass is, my friend Victor mentioned a little in a comment)  I never thought to ask Al nor Judy. They never asked about our church goings. LOL

After Al passed, we visited Judy; on the way we passed the Catholic Church where Al was funeralized. While visiting, I said, “We passed your church on the way here.”

“Jack, you mean Al’s church. I am Baptist. I was always taught to listen to and follow my husband, so I did. Now that he is gone, I am back with my mama at the Baptist church.” You could have pushed me over with a feather, LOL We had known them for years and had no idea. ;-).

Aboard ship, one of my best friends was Ski. Frank Malanowski was his name, but he was known a Ski (skee). We pulled liberty together at many ports; had a couple beers, took a tour or just walked around enjoying being off the ship. Neither of us were into much drinking and carousing. He was just a good guy, never religious. Did not attend services aboard ship.

  This was Ski aboard ship.  He was a computer repairman.

Over 45 years later, out of the blue, I got a call. Hey Jack, this is Ski, can I come over? I had no idea he read my Blog! WE were in Deltona, Fl, Ski was from Pennsylvania, now he lived in Deltona. “Sure, wow, what a shock come on over. I gave him the address.”

Ski is the second from the left back row, in his religious uniform.  This is just after he had received an award from the governor.  I Still think:  WOW that is the Ski I knew aboard ship!  Life sure makes lots of changes...

Shock #2 He had not only turned to religion, but was now a Proto-Deacon (Sort of a married Priest?) in the Orthodox Church. A religious leader, SKI? He even had a son who was a Monk.  SKI??? …. After a few weeks of visits I mentioned I had attended a Greek Orthodox once and would like to visit his church. “Jack you will be welcome, but we do not have pews or seats, we stand the entire time.”

I was still thinking I would like to try it, but he passed away before I attended.

Lastly: Dan was Baptist and converted to Catholic when he married Joan. Dan was telling us about traveling across the USA. “Jack, you know we have to stop for Mass every Saturday.”

Standing beside him Joan spoke up, “No Dan, WE WANT to stop and go to Mass!”  WE all laughed when Dan said, ” Oh Yeah, that’s it!”  LOL


Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net.  Thank you all for being here… and being YOU, and reading an old man’s memories.