I love the places in New England. You can't find a place around home that was exstablished in 1805. We passed through Newry gettin to Grafton Notch. Not many folk left in Newry.
The trail started off sorta swampy and over this clear creek.
I cannot take close ups of 'you know who's rear any more,' been warned against it.
This is Dr. John. He started at Mt. Katahdin, he is from Columbia, has a strong English Accent. I started to ask him about the drug cartel, glad I didn't, Sherry told me later he was from Columbia, SC. Musta moved there, cause he sure had a strong English accent. Anyway he is taking time to clear his hear. Sherry's own Dr. from NC hikes some on the AT to clear his head.
I just figured how that works. Your feet bother you so much You for get your other troubles. Sorta like breaking your arm to stop a headache.
t get the wrong idea, she is sitting on the stup of a dead fall tree. She was supposed to show her part so you souel understand. Explained.... next pic.
I am on the rest of the tree, she said I looked tooooo happy.
Today is water falls, the best ones of the year. This is a small one set in moss covered rocks.
I interupt the water falls to talk to Sir Richard, whom we met a couple days ago. He was a little shocked to see that we were ahead of him. Sherry asked if he was headed home to Birmingham, UK after he summits Katahdin. "No, as a matter of fact, my girl friend is working in Winston Salem, NC and finishes up her stent there in Sept. We plan to go ahead and travel around the world." Good job if you can affored it Sir Richard, which evidently he can.
I just cannot pass up a cascading water fall. This one was beautiful.
This sweet thing is sitting at the top of a water fall, it is to her right.
This one, to her right was making a pretty good bit of noise.
The photographer took a break to get in on a picture of the distances. It is 14 miles back to the New hampshire line from here.
The rest of the water falls are actually one. It is named the Screw Auger Falls. The pictures do not do it justice. It has carved through thirty feet of rock over it's life time.
This is the next step from above. I just noticed the water fall man to the right under the falls, he is sticking out his tongue for a drop or two.
This is the next step, those walls are as smooth as if a sculptor had done it.
This is just to show what has been carved. The rest did not come out, but the falls were very impressive.
Some how, the camera skipped three pictures, I cannot explain how.
Some how, the camera skipped three pictures, I cannot explain how.
Check this next photo out!!!
I have been looking for a new motor home, I think with a little work this will do it. I love the top windows like a caboose. We are gonna love it.
Oh he had many more decorations in his yard, but I knew you neatnics would not approve and report the man. LOL
Someone directed me to stop at this road side kiosk. We got a blackberry pie, blue berry jam and a whoopie pie. We got the whoopie pie because I did not know what it was and have noticed them advertise as a staple of Mainers. I liked it. It is a chocolate sandwich. that is loaded with enough vanilla to hide the chocolate taste.
Thanks for coming this way,
Nite Shipslog
I was in the express lane at the store quietly fuming.. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a cart piled high with groceries. Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the woman to come forward looked into the cart and asked sweetly, “So which six items would you like to buy?” Wouldn't it be great if that happened more often?
again; just beautiful scenery! such a pleasure to be able to see the trail through your/Sherry's eyes!!
You are having too much fun hiking! lol Pretty scenery.
Am glad, you two being happy. Please have a nice start into the new week.
Glad you are doing a little shopping while you
are trial-ling. NEW WORD. Let all your bloggers
know when you purchase the New Motor Home and
we will help you get it back to Belmont, I'm sure they will volunteer. We can bring it back a piece at a time what fun we can have. Great pictures.
Toes and feet...just toes and feet. I think you're getting distracted. Love the waterfalls. I liked the face in the rock too. Happy trails, Sheila
Nothing like a foot massage no matter if you are hiking or not. I've never seen a checker say anything to a shopper with more items then the sign says but I sure would like for them to do something about people who can't follow the rules like the rest of us.
Great pictures Jack. And you should massage Sherry's feet. She deserves it. I must tell you the photo with all the junk looks like home to me. I would be feeling like it was across the alley and down the block.
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