Approaching the famous Mackinac Bridge. (they were working on it, our Stimulus money at work).
Thanks for riding with us. The land turns farm land as you saw, but near the upper peninsula it gets hilly. We saw a few cows but Ginger was not among them. Oh I forgot she is back in Texas, safe and sound, I can quit looking for her and her partner.
Hey we are in a place we have never been before. We had left overs for supper. Pintos, salmon patties slaw and squash.
We will take a couple days and try to see that place Dar suggested on up near Superior I think. I have to check with the comments from yesterday.
Nite Shipslog
Sherry’s advice to young ladies:
Go for the younger man. You might as well, they never mature anyway.
Men are all the same - they just have different faces, so we can tell them apart.
Looks like a cool place. Hope it is cool there
we were 97 today. Hope you are resting and
taking care of yourself.
Sorry about the spelling, I am not going back to correct it. Just guess (Oh you already did!)
What a beautiful place to stay awhile. I loved seeing all the sights along the way. I traveled from home to my campsite today and am tucked away in my beloved woods. The sun has just set and all is quiet here. Your supper sounds great. I love leftovers. Hope you both enjoy the night and get some good rest.
Sherry looks like she knows exactly what she is doing. Bet she could drive a really big rig or anything else she put her mind to.
I've never been to the upper peninsula. I love being anywhere there is lots of water! I did love all the truck gardens south and west of Lansing last time I was there.
Been following you, Sounds like a great "Adventure" you are on, If you don't know an area of a city you are visiting and its getting dark, "DON'T GO THERE"!
enjoy yourselves!
Gary an Anna Mae
Glad you are enjoying your "vacation" Please drive safely!
Id miss you and Sherry! (and I worry)
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