Will Rogers made this statement about stubborn folk who would not believe signs or take good advice.
Hiking profile for the TEST hike. Starts at the right. Up 2500 ft to Moody Mt. Down Moody and right back up 2700ft to Hall Mt. end first day.
So we drove all the way to Maine, and I had to hike 10 miles to find out I AM TOO OLD TO BACK-PACK the Appalachian Trail anymore.
It took me two days to hike 10 miles. I started off beautifully, walking these rocks on the first creek:
I should have taken the hint. On past hikes I could have almost run those rocks. This time I felt a little dizzy and unsure of the next step. But being a stubborn person, I said it has been awhile.
Nice trail, but that ended abruptly. and started straight up. Trial hidden by new growth.
Not all rocks are in Pennsylvania… God saved the Big ones for Maine..
After climbing a couple hours from the top of Moody mountain, below, ever conscious to keep the White Blaze in focus to stay on the Trail.
The vegetation is beautiful Lots of new growth and moss.
Below, This happened several places where the rock was just too vertical (the implanted steel bars)
This is a huge water fall but real thin coating of water. Picture did not come out well.
The new growth hides the trail but comes out at the rocks on the right.
The double blaze means take care the trail takes a sharp turn.
Plenty of dead falls some on steep inclines.
Above determination, this old stump is determined to become alive again. Not sure the same is going to happen to Jack ().
Loved this beaver dam. I kept hearing a noise, finally figured it was a FROG, I finally saw it but not well enough to get a picture. (below is one of the water sources I used.)
I dropped the pack to get a good picture of this arrogant Birch, How dare it grow on a projected rock.,
Home from the test. Yep I failed. I will talk more on the next entry.
Thanks for coming by the LOG.
Nite Shipslog
It is good to finally make the decision, more later..
From the Cole Trans. Museum in Bangor, Maine
If you didn't break an ankle or crack your noggin, it's not a complete fail. So no injuries, and you still look good. :-)
Thank goodness you are still in one piece with no breaks or horrendous pains! Ah, getting older, ain't for sissies eh?
Love all the glorious shots you took. Be careful, keep truckin on and have fun!
My hubby loved that I read this post to him! Believe us, we can relate!
I tell you Anne is right - growing old is not for sissies. Something changes and it is so frustrating. You just don't feel as sure footed as you once were.
Are you saying you are not going to continue on?
I think that takes courage.
I was done when I saw the Iron Rebar in the large rock that you had to climb, I am no longer interested in vast hikes in the wilderness, I found that out this past 3 days, I am now suited for short little hikes 2 or 3 times a day. But I do envy your travels, you 2 take care!!
Gary & Anna Mae
I like the selfie picture you took, Jack! The pictures are amazing! You know, you guys did a great job with it. I think you are wise to realize you might be a little old not to continue on with hiking it. Better safe than sorry and avoid an injury, etc. Now you guys will have some time to figure out where your next destination will be :)
You gave it your all, that is all you can do. LOVE the selfie.
I don't think you are a failure, you just came to your senses. Frankly I was worried about you going it alone. You've both done a lot already and that is enough.
I'm proud of you for even trying and you are very smart to know your body well. Just stay with your wonderful sidekick and enjoy the shorter trails. Kiss your love for me and can't wait to hear when yall are headed to good old Fl. again, stay safe, Sherry
I forgot,YOU DID NOT FAIL! Take care, Sherry
YOU did not fail! Be proud of what you have done, Sherry
I've got to give you a big pat on the back for just trying to do a trail like that. I couldn't have done it in my younger days. If you hadn't tried, you wouldn't have known. It's the trying that counts. Good to see your pictures and to know you made that portion of the trail safely. 10 miles doesn't seem like a lot, but under those conditions it is !!!
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