I had three brothers, one died as an infant. I had three sisters, one died in her youth. I am the baby that lived. All my life this is how I was introduced at new churches that daddy pastored, “And last, this is Jackie, the baby of the family.”
the older Brothers were married at this picture. This was Dad & MOM, Kat, Shirl and JACKIE (the baby HA!)(circa 1942)
I did get over that quickly however, probably by the time I was eighteen, ! That isn’t so bad up to you are seven or eight, but at thirteen, it sorta rubs you the wrong way, I mean, don’t daddy know I am grown?
I ain’t a baby!
To top it off I was named Jackie Leon. No one ever told me where that first name, Jackie, a girl’s name, came from. HA!. However I knew where Leon came from, there was a business man in Gastonia by the name of Leon Schneider. He was well known locally, and dad knew him. He asked Dad to name me Leon.
Leon actually had the first musical jingle for his department store used in North Carolina. He also went in as Mayor of Gastonia, NC by a land slide vote. (I just learned that, ain’t the net fun?)
Anyway Leon told dad to bring me in when I was sixteen and he would give me a suit. We went in, he was very gracious and bragged on me then gave me a shirt and tie.
When life goes by age, the baby is last to pass, and believe me it is no fun. However, I do not think that will be the case between me ‘n Shirl. She is one tough lady my Shirl. She will easily out live me, but like many families we talk about the ones who have gone on and miss them. Being the baby had it’s advantages, I was petted although Shirl was THE PET!
Sherry, me and Shirl plan to be in the same nursing home, it will be hard to keep Shirl from raising cane.
But until then Life is good. We are in good health, but as Shirl and I often quote our oldest brother Odis who was known to say, “One never knows, does one?”
Nite Shipslog
MOre fun from the North.
1954 Cars, built when Leon Schneider was elected Mayor of Gastonia NC