Sunday, June 12, 2016

Notes from two walks plus I could not believe it!

 On our last walk before we left Florida we ran across some hogs. We have seen Wild Hogs  in Florida and have seen the damage they can do to the land. But this is the first time we has seen any in the park near Wildwood.

 The one thing I enjoy on the interstates it the tractor/trailer rigs. Many in my family were truckers and I try to give them the road, they are working and I am just riding. I love seeing what they are hauling if the truck is open and enjoy seeing where they are from. MANY of them are from cities and towns we have visited.. This day I saw trucks from: Iowa City, Kingston, Statesville,Minot, KC, and Parrish. PARRISH, FL ? yep, there it was. from one of our favorite 'thrift store' towns. Population probably less than a thousand.. fancy seeing you!   But the most interesting load was one we had never seen, A load of Fire Hydrants. I know, it doesn't take much to tickle me.
On our walk in South Carolina (near Yemassee), I spotted something new to me. The cutest round soft fuzzy flower (?) ball.

I don't know if the little green balls were white or will be. 

Now for the Zinger. We parked in Belmont. There is a house across the street at the far end of our property with a  steep drive. This power pole is on our property. Sir Logan (grand dog) is buried at the base. My utility trailer is just behind the pole. Note the red car.
I was 50feet to the left here when I saw that red car coming down the drive at a high rate of speed.  It crossed the road and ran into that power pole and bounced back toward the road about ten feet like a ball. It is totaled.

My first thoughts were, it is just rolling, the brake has given away.  But it was going too fast. Then I saw a driver (An elderly man) I ran over and he looked dazed. I asked if he was all right, he said, "I don't think so, I think I lost control."  (I thought that is an understatement.)  Nothing of ours was damaged.

His son came running down the hill. The old man seemed to be okay. The rest of the family came down. It was the daddy. This was a loaner while his car was in the shop being repaired for an earlier wreck.

Maybe we do get too old to drive, us elderly folk.

Nite Shipslog
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 Above is the 1954 Skylark Buick  below is everyone's favorite (xcept Nader) the cool, great sports car handling CORVAIR!


Woody said...

Glad the Driver of the car did not get hurt, we have a gentleman here who is 89 and just backed into another car while adjusting his oxygen mask, it was in our parking lot so Police were not called. Thankfully here nobody was out walking where he parks. WE ARE GOING CAMPING TUESDAY !!! Medications changed and gonna give it a try !!! Glad you 2 are doing good. Love from the North Country, Gary & Anna Mae

betty said...

I would have enjoyed seeing that truck of fire hydrants!

I think its time for that man to give his driver license up. I hope he and his family realize that and make the right decision to do so. Can you imagine what his insurance must cost?



Makes me wonder if the older fella lost feeling in his legs right before the accident? amazing he walked away unscathed. I must admit seeing a truckload of Fire Hydrants would have thrilled me too.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Those were certainly unusual sightings for you. Strange and funny. Those hogs would be something to be avoided for sure. I hope those folks are keeping an eye on the driver of the red car. I've never seen fire hydrants on a truck before, but stands to reason they have to get where they are going somehow. We owe a lot to those truckers.

Unknown said...

I hope I realise when I should stop driving. We have two friends that still
drive. One 89 and one 90. They do OK right now. They drive to store and church. They are going to Raleigh this week and they have a driver.
They know they should not drive long distance. You know who I am talking

Lisa said...

Glad no one was hurt in the excitement of both the hogs and the out of control car. I too look at big trucks to see what they are carrying and then try to guess where they are taking it. I once saw a truck carrying nothing but glass. If see a Chicken truck, I laugh for hours.

Keep driving and stay safe

Mevely317 said...

Now, that truck-load of fire hydrants takes the cake! (There's probably a comedy line in there somewhere, but I'm not that quick anymore.)
Back in the 70's I used to enjoy hearing over-the-road truckers talking to one another on their CB's. One, in particular, cracked me up when he called a flat-bed hauling lumber a 'mobile forrest.'

So glad to learn your elderly neighbor wasn't seriously injured. His story's all too common, isn't it?

Rick Watson said...

Sounds like it's time to take the keys. That will be a difficult discussion.

Unknown said...

I wonder what dogs think when they see a truckload of fire hydrants.
The plant with white blooms is called buttonbush. (I think they look more like a pincushion than a button, but they didn't ask me when they named it.)