Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Last Florida move this Spring

Living in a motor home has its drawbacks concerning weather. As a rule the day before we leave I take in the awnings. I learned years ago that a wet awning is no fun. Well this time ‘the day before’ we had son Mark to visit, then I had obligated myself to assist in a children’s book. So I finished the book assist and printed the book and delivered it.

By that time it had started to rain. We made a trip for Pizza with Evelyn and Don. The rain was so hard we sat 20 mins in the pizza house, then 15 minutes in the car back at the RV Park before we could get out. It did not stop until around 10PM.  The awnings were still wet along with the awning screen. That makes for a wet tear down. ;-O!

So the departure did not go as smooth as I would have liked, but it did go. So we made the trip across Florida, stopping by our mail room to pick up mail and copies of my new book Johnny.

I will have some available here for those who prefer not to use a credit card online.  I will let everyone who is interested know as soon as I can arrange a set up for shipping.

Good trips are always pleasant. I love the feel of the road. This time most of the roads were 2 lane, but the traffic wasn’t that bad. Trips are better since my Cochlear implants and I can understand Sherry, so we can talk some. She is a great traveling partner.

So we are in our home in Deltona. Time to get it ready to withstand Mr or Mrs Hurricane should they decide to visit.

We are looking forward to old friends visiting tomorrow. We worked together in Albany, Georgia and Key West, Florida.  That was many moons ago in the 1970’s.
All is well that ends well. So Life is GOOD!

Nite Shipslog
EArly 50's Henry J or a Willis



Wherever you are be safe be happy and be at home in your heart.

betty said...

How fun to look ahead tomorrow with the visit with friends! Sounds like a lot of rain in your neck of the woods, but glad you were able to be on the road when you wanted to for where you wanted to go!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

When my children were young we camped in a pop up camper for a few years and speaking of having to move a wet awning, it was not good moving a wet camper...I remember having to put it back up when we got home to dry out. Except for the roof everything else was canvas and it took awhile. Glad you are home for a short while even though you still have some work to do. The thoughts of company coming is always good !

Mevely317 said...

Whew, what a day y'all experienced! 'Hope you were able to enjoy a good long sleep?
Wishing you a wonderful visit today with your friends!

Lisa said...

Yep. I know how it is with those wet awnings. I know what its like to go out in the middle of a storm with ya jammies on at 3:00 in the morning putting the dern thing in with the wind blowing 60 miles per hour! No fun.... well, I laughed the whole time like a kid sneaking out of the house but Nick was rather grumpy.

From chilly Gtown

Dar said...

I remember wet awnings, a wet pop-up too. I also remember the weekend with family, friends, cousins, stringing tarps camper to camper in order to still play a cribbage tournament during a long hard rain. It was such a blast,...and yep, I won that tournament. Thanks for rekindling that fond memory. Have safe travels wherever you go and making more sweet memories with old friends.
Love n' hugs from way up north where we had sunshine and cold winds today. The weekend, can you believe we are supposed to get up to the 70's? Unusual but we'll take it. We have some lumber to plane.

Rick Watson said...

I could tell the weather was headed your way. It brushed us this time but folks 40 miles to the east weren't so lucky.

Is your book on Amazon?