Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The bumper crop

I have mentioned before that I had a volunteer tomato plant. I have been happy watching it grow and talking to the lizards as I watched.

My squirrels have deserted me. Maybe the dude did not like the apple he was holding when I last saw him.  BUT I still have the lizards all colors. I enjoy watching that throat 'whatever it is' that drops down like a sail, neat.  I never knew lizards could jump so far I was talking to Blackie today. I kept talking and getting closer I finally had my hand about 2 inches from it. It did not move I talked on and asked it to get in my hand, but it refused. Then bobbled his head a couple times, turned and jumped about two feet to the chain link fence and was gone.

I have been saying goodbye to the lizards. Warnng them not to be aboard tomorrow. They might not speak the same language as the Carolina lizards.  YEP, tomorrow we head to South Carolina.  Okay, here is a picture of my bumper crop.

 Since we are leaving I picked the red one and three of the largest ones to ripen. Sherry let me eat the red one. I offered her half. ;-).

We had our first neighbor visit this evening. Luis and Melissa came over and brought Jewels their boxer.  She is a very mannerly dog. She was excited smelling Janie's scent, I am sure.

It was such a treat to have the young folk in for  a chat. They have agreed to give us a call in case of a disaster here at the house. (Fire, water running out to the road, or Hurricane damage.) I do not like to lean on someone to take care of 'our stuff', while we run around the country unless they are paid to do so.
Anyway, it was a good visit, they are great neighbors. Melissa's dad was my first acquaintance here in Deltona. His name is Valentino, what a great guy. I met him when he was working on Luis and Melissa's house before they moved in.

Nite Shipslog

                      1982 Dodge


Lisa said...

Im sure you will have the lizard eating out of your hand in no time. Maybe he keeps the skeeters away too! Its nice to know your neighbors. We have excanged numbers with a few of our neighbors. We will let each other know when we will be gone for a few day and We all watch each others houses.

To bed now

betty said...

Look at those tomatoes growing! Honestly, lizards scare me, they just slither too fast. I hope you can continue to befriend yours though! We need to make an effort to meet our neighbors. I know a lot about their habits from watching them from my front window while I work, but it might actually be nice to know their names!

Safe travels!


Glenda said...

Safe travels, love and hugs from JB.

Dar said...

Those are some beautiful Roma Tomatoes you have there. I wonder if lizards just eat insects or if the have a hankerin' for tomatoes on occasion? hmmm
I'm a lot jealous of your ripe tomato already. Bill's starters under the grow lights are coming along but not even close to blossoming. Another month and they go outside to the gardens.
Take a picture of your lizard...I'll ID him for you for fun.
Smiles, hugs n' love from up north. We have sunshine. YES

2023 said...

I do not like to lean on someone to take care of 'our stuff', while we run around the country unless they are paid to do so. < If you offered to do so for a neighbor & they wanted to pay you I strongly suspect that you would not consider taking the money as neighborly...(like I KNOW you wouldn't take it, so..)

Half of that tomato is EVEN LESS than half of that biscuit. I swear, I'd never make any money off my McDonalds stock(which is doing well) if all couples were like you & Sherry.

shirl72 said...

Your tomatoes will probably take off growing while you are away. Funny you
mention lizards.. I have two babies that are hanging around on my deck.
they are about 2 inches long. I watch them turn from green to brown when
they are on those colors. They are so cute hope they are still here when
you arrive. Looking forward to seeing you and Sherry...been a long winter.


Those tomatoes look darn good. It's nice you have someone you can trust to watch over things while you're gone.

Mevely317 said...

I love it that you talk to the lizards, Jack. We get such a kick out of watching their 'preening' ... and taunting the dogs.
Sure, and there are more grandiose items on my bucket list ... but I'd love to learn to plant tomatoes someday.

Paula said...

My one tomato plant isn't looking so well. Guess I'm more into killing the stumps of Hackberry trees and Yuccas that I had cut down. I'm trying Epsom salts water as opposed to something stronger. Your tomato looks good enough to eat and it looks like there are lots more in the near future.

Rick Watson said...

Good neighbors are worth their weight in gold. If you figure out that Lizard Language, I'd like for you to tutor me :)