Wednesday, October 12, 2022

WE cannot know, collateral damage, again…

 Today’s automobile:

I loved this car with a split manifold and loud mufflers. ;-)


Some thoughts for today:

A football game, the Running back gets the ball, he heads to the goal line. Avoids a couple tacklers, hop scotches another tackler or two. He is tackled just before the the winning touch down for our team. 

  :-(  The game goes on….

We who are watching had no idea that just before the game he had received a call, his brother had been shot. May be dying, at best will be paralyzed for life….. (I read that awhile back)

Sitting here, I have no idea the happenings in your mind/life and you mine.  We take each other at face value and CANNOT BE each other.  Problems come with life. BUT, but,  It is hard to sympathize with someone who confides to you their biggest problem: ‘Our‘ son & his wife’ are too religious,’  ………. when you have a son who has just thrown his life (or way of life) away on drugs or a grandson is taken by his mother and you have no idea what state she went to..

Some humans seem to build ‘minor ice cube problems into huge Icebergs.’

And then there are times you WISH you weren’t such a good listener and confidant. Many, many years ago, I had a good friend come over for advice and prayer. He had committed adultery, he was the pastor of a church in a nearby community.  He had a wonderful family……..

Many times when I see headlines of a boy robbing, stealing, killing or kidnapping, I think: 'there is a mom and dad, or at least a grandpa and grandma who are heart broken and don't know what to do.'

There again in my mind, “Walk a mile in my shoes!”

I grew up in a great family, and have no idea the mindset of one who didn’t. My parents made no secret that they loved me and MOM was also the best cook in the world. ;-).

As a Marine in the Mess hall, I once said, “This cook can’t cook as good as my mama!”

(Gomer joined the Corps after me. LOL)

A friend answered, “You never ate my mama’s cooking, this is GREAT!”

I was shocked. LOL  My oldest brother was known to  say often, "One never knows, does one?"




Victor S E Moubarak said...

Another good and thought-provoking post, Jack. Thank you so much for your great writings.

As you say, we never know what the other person is thinking or what his life is like. We are all carrying a load on our shoulders and are too busy to notice the load others are carrying.

When I pray for people I do not know, (like my readers), I ask God to take care of their problems. They are unknown to me; but God knows their names and their problems.

Praying for you all. God bless.

Mevely317 said...

Another thought-provoking post!
I'm mentally grinning and nodding at your observation: "There are time you wish you weren't such a good listener and confidant." Yep, been there. At the end of the day, however, I realize I may not be particularly talented or giving -- but being a careful listener is, indeed, a gift.

So true, what we think is someone's pretty polished life can be deceptive. Tread carefully!

Woody said...

Interesting, I listen to a song done by John Prine, the Name of it is " Some Humans ain't Human" ! *(Quote)

Some humans ain't human
Some people ain't kind
They lie through their teeth
With their head up their behind
You open up their hearts
And here's what you'll find
Some humans ain't human
Some people ain't kind

Hoping you and Sherry are doing well, we are just readjusting our lives without a "Special Person" we lost ! Sending down Love and Prayers ! Gary and Anna Mae

betty said...

We do need to extend kindness to those around us as, like you said, Jack, we don't know what they are going through or what they have gone through. I think it is appreciated by others when we do so!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

We do never know what another person is going through so we should handle everyone with care and kindness. Kindness is always a good thing and we need to extend it to everyone !

yaya said...

I always say that everyone has a story and we don't always know what's between the lines of that story. There's also no perfect family but there are good families and like you I was blessed with wonderful parents who loved all us 6 kiddos. However there were tragic times too and times in my own family and kids that gave me gray hairs. It's how you handle it and continue with love and patience. That's just life. I want to look back at the end and think we did OK and I hope my boys and their families feel the same. Good post Jack. I hope you and Sherry are doing well and continue with good health.