Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Appalachian Trail , maps & books.. #15

  Photo From the AT:


Sherry met some interesting hikers outside one Post Office.

So for today:

The Appalachian Trail Conservancy has complete detailed set of maps for the trail.  There are MANY maps but very helpful, if you have the extra room to carry them. The maps show the topography of the area and always keeps you abreast of the altitude.

They also publish a couple books and the hiker actually needs at least one of them. One is more detailed , but both give details as to where the next shelter is and how far off the trail it is. They give the areas to find water along the trail and the distances to food resupply places at each road crossing.


A group of Boy Scouts on a day hike, taking a break.

The books give the miles to the next shelter + nearest water.. The books are updated every year to cover any changes or detours on the trail. There are emergency numbers and the locations of the nearest medical facilities.

Some hikers use a ‘bounce box’. They forward it to themselves, general delivery, at the next town where they plan to stop. That way they can have that complete set of maps and only take the one out they need for the section coming up. Personal items and clothes, like heavier clothes as they get further north, are also in the box. Some are very ingenious in using the bounce box, i.e. Putting something from their pack they are sure they will not need until they see the box next time.

Others have someone back home and have already planned and packed numbered boxes of things they have prepacked and will need on the trail. They meet the box at a predesigned town.  Most, like us, try to pick small towns to have mail and boxes forwarded.

Well, there was once in NY we made a mistake.  Sherry remembered WRONG and we went to the wrong P.O.  She got it right and we found our mail. ;-)

Sometimes you just cannot pass up a chance to soak your feet!

Nite Shipslog

PS: Thank YOU ALL, YOUR visit means a lot and  makes us smile. You make our day better to know you have visited.



Victor S E Moubarak said...

I wondered how you replenish supplies and get your mail as you travel. Bounce box. Ingenious idea.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

What a genius idea, that bounce box.
Have yourselves a beauty-full day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Those maps and books would be very important to have with you when hiking an unfamiliar trail. Glad they do cross towns in some places where you can get supplies. It would be impossible to carry everything. Same with the post offices forwarding your mail . If you follow the maps everything should be fine.