Friday, October 25, 2024


 Pic of the day;


Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. 

 For today:

The name Gettysburg causes dark thoughts to cross my mind. The statistics briefly were:

·         Over 165,000 men participated in the battle.

·         Roughly one third became casualties.

·         More than 7,000 men died.

·         33,000 were wounded.

·         Six Confederate and five Union generals died, the most in any battle during the war.

The battle lasted 3 days. What bothers me is the WAR was unnecessary. Brother fought against brother. Father against son, etc. A problem that should have been solved by negotiations, in democracy that is the way it should work. BUT STUBBORN Politicians and hardheaded leaders Blew it; Americans killed 7000 AMERICANS and wounded 33,000 and that was only 3 days of the war..

                                                General  Grant                 General Lee

Quote from THAT day: 

Gettysburg: "The Whole Ground for Miles Around is Covered with the Wounded"

In that UNCIVIL War, 620,000 soldiers and civilians DIED!  More than died in ALL the other wars the USA has been involved, and we killed our own people. TERRIBLE.

We drove thru Gettysburg after leaving Lancaster; it brought back memories. Sherry and I have toured the battlefield and read the sickening statistics and saw where men died, most who had no problem with the cause of the war, it had not affected them.  Percentage wise few people OWNED Slaves. My family like most Southerners in the war were sharecroppers and never owned a slave.

I said that because in the last 2-3 years I have heard FOOLS say, “We need a civil war!”  They say that because ‘everyone’ does not see politics as they do. Very few of us AGREE ON EVERYTHING! But mostly in this country  we have two large parties and several small ones. We all think different and have mostly agreed to disagree and settle things at the Ballot box. I have always respected the vote, and STILL DO!!!. 

It hurts my heart to hear even my son say, “A civil war would settle this.” I had two BILs that I dearly loved. Our politics were opposite, but it NEVER caused one problem. I would be sick to think of son against father.

Imma close with this: on the Appalachian Trail there are about six graves. Four were boys who were fighting for the North but were coming home to celebrate Christmas with their mother. Their mother’s neighbors met and killed her sons,  because of political differences. If that isn’t sick, nothing is. That is third world stuff. I know we have some politicians who do not toe the line, but I have a lot of faith in our country and our way of life, I want it to continue, its continuation does not rest on one man or one party, it takes us all.

Nite Shipslog


Thanks for all the comments and visits here. It gives a boost to my life, I appreciate that, Folks, this WORLD still has some great folks living here. Look around you!


Mevely317 said...

Wise counsel, Jack. I believe every American teenager needs to visit these battlegrounds and ask themselves, "What would you do?".

Anonymous said...

You're a good man Jack. Our country will survive and even thrive after this current election. And it's people like us who will see to that. VOTE!!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It is time to pray more more and more.

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Any war, especially this one is terrible. There is so much lost. Most of all the loved ones in our families. Abraham Lincoln is my favorite President of all and he had a tough life to lead. I think we should battle out our differences with words, not wars that kill and hurt people. No one should ever have to fight those wars. I'm proud of or military and our country. We have so much that others don't. Why can't people love one another the way we're supposed to,