Photo of the day:
Not our first rec. vehicle, but the first mobile one. We loved it, but sure climbed a mountain slow, had to pull off to let the cars by that we were holding back. OUCH (No refrigerator in this!)
So for today:
Living in a coach presents special problems, not common
to the home dweller. Yesterday was one
of those days. Just a day or so ago the lower hinge of our Refer broke. This
coach has a standard Refrig by Norcold. This one is very shallow and operates
on 12v, 120v or LP gas. The hinge is part of the door so I needed to get a
door and did find a couple on the internet$50-100$.
As you can see this is no BIG refer. Very shallow, But when most of it is on the floor it looks like a lot. LOL
I put a temp fix of Duck tape to hold
the door in place with the lock and top hinge……………………………………
HOWEVER on the road to this park we heard a CRASH inside
the coach. Sherry said, 'The Door fell OFF the refrigerator.' I found a place to pull off. You can imagine the contents scattered over
the place BUT with no major spills!
WE put everything in the sinks to keep it from scattering more and Taped the front of the door to hold some cool inside. This meant I NEEDED TO FIX THIS, there would be no time to travel a few hours to get the doors. So I put my thinking cap on. ... LOL .... In the meantime we checked in and set up on a good site.
I carry enough tools to build a house
or overhaul an engine, I had an old flat barn door hinge; using it, I measured and cut the
metal to fit the spot, then cut the old broken hinge out with my angle cutter. I
did some adjusting with a hammer at the picnic table forming it to fit the ¼” round
ref stem of the hinge. Drilled some holes then using some self-drilling screws
and secured it. It was silver, so I painted it black, looks great and works just as well.
the Lord it was a ‘forced’ easy fix in many ways and at no cost and about an hour's work.…
Nite Shipslog
Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and
appreciate them as I read. It is great to have
friends that tolerate you! ;-)
You really are talented, Jack. I would not have known what to do if the fridge door fell off. Or how to fix a car engine. I managed to burn a pizza the other day. Not my fault; the pizza was too thin and burnt in the allorted time in the oven.
God bless.
Way to go, Jack ... I'd have had no clue. Duck tape really is more versatile than I imagined.
Have you seen the commercials for the new VW bus? I can't decide if it's cute or just plain homely, lol.
I guess you left Florida - your son's house.
You carried a barn hinge with you????????
And enough tools to cut metal.
You are a true pioneer.
After reading this, I figure you could fix most anything, Good to be so handy and resourceful. No doubt life on the road calls for a lot of that as you travel.
Good work Jack!
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