Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday:Monson, Abbot & Dover-Foxcroft

The entrance toour new home, I like the big farm in the background.
Little town called Guiford has this white building that crosses the river. Hope to get a better picture later.

We were sitting outside the Monsoon Community church trying to decide whether to go in or not,when these hikers walked by the car, "Heading for the AT trail head?" Is our standard question. They were. So we loaded them in and set them on the AT. They are from Tennessee.

I fell for this old log house. I wonder the stoies it could tell. It is now so grown up, I could barely see it. But I love it.

Something there as about a car! to paraphrase the Poet Robert Frost. This is a 1939 Buick in Dover-foxcroft, Maine. (We stopped because 1939 is the year me and this buick were born).

Don't you just love covered bridges. It was years before I realized there was a reason for a covered bridge, Up here the snow and ice would have made crossing a bridge impossible in the winter.

Naturally we had to drive thru it. paved on one end and gravel on the other, for us tourists.

Back home after church in Dover Foxcroft. We stopped by and picked up FOUR lobsta rolls they were good, but not as good as the tomato sandwiches (samiggies) you smart alecks have been telling about.
Well we may hike some tomorrow. Sherry is saying her feet are doing good. I have been massaging her feet and .... feet every night. Of course as a Doctor, my instructions are to step into the other room and remove all your clothes!!!! One day it will work, I a pretty determined guy. Doctors don't come cheap you know, we expect some renumeration, and i am into bartering.
Enough. Glad you came by.
Nite Shipslog
Even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.
And then some never suffer alone, we inflict pain to have company!!


Helen said...

Great pictures. We have a few covered bridges still left around here. I didn't know why they were covered. Neat car. Helen

Paula said...

I thought covered bridges were to look pretty on calendars. lol We need some for shade down here. Man has it been hot the last few days!

betty said...

as always, great pictures! that covered bridge is definitely something I would have wanted to drive through too; looks like a pretty campground!

cool picture with the car!


Anonymous said...

I love covered bridges! And that old log house is really charming. Beautiful photos!

robert said...

Lovely, just lovely to read and see
Where you two have been
Makes one wish there to be
Where's such beauty to be seen.

Lucy said...

Just great pictures!!! Just keep on traveling. It is the easiest trip I have ever had.

Sheila Y said...

I might even have me some more tomato samiggies this week. I had fried green tomatoes twice...mmmm mmmm mmmmm. Okay, I'll stop rubbing it in...that lobsta roll sounds good too. Take care and stay safe, and keep those feet massaged... Sheila

shirl72 said...

Love picture of covered bridge. Now I know
why they are covered. Love the old car. Would
you make an offer and drive it back home.
Brings back memories of our old cars you help
me sale. Beautiful spot for you home. Be safe
and take care of the feet lot of miles to cover
there and South plus your support for life.