Have you ever been given advice that you knew you should follow, but didn’t? I have. I once spent more than a years salary trying to accomplish something a wise man had advised me against.
Cousin Ken (A Georgia Cracker so I have to make allowances ), also a grad of GA. TECH, which makes it worse
; he sent me some advice. It was in the form of a FWD, but still great advice, such as:
The one above I have no problem with. I can handle it, even enjoy it. BUT:
Now, there are days I can be at peace, BUT then.
I need to fix everything (Physical and mentally). I feel compelled to give marriage advice to the kids and grand kids. I NEED to show them that debt only brings on arguments and hurt feelings, etc.
You do not have to be a Buddhist to understand wisdom….
We also need to know and truly learn this by our own Einstein:
(You must THINK about that statement before it will make sense)
Okay, really I like good advice, and I do TRY to follow it. Some statements are pure Gold. I have found a TRUTH in the next one. And is is a fact….
So now I must confess I am going to try #2 & #3 above. (At least for 2-3 hours!)
But seriously the above is great advice, and I do wish I could follow it consistently, but I will not or cannot.
Thanks for letting me copy my friend Chatty and use a little help from friends.
Nite Shipslog
This is actually our first motor home. I do not remember the year of this VW, but it was fun.
I can't remember what I read so I
will have to do my best. Those are
rich statements...I guess I will
continue learning from mistakes.
It is a good life lot of adventure.
I like that one about Nature is cheaper then therapy or whatever you wrote. I don't feel so well today maybe I should convince John to hit the road. Whoops that didn't sound right. Convince him for us to hit the road.
Oh Jack - it is so funny. I know exactly what you are saying. I live with my daughter, grandson, and husband and I feel in the middle all the time. I am always trying to put our fires and keep people happy and stop the arguing and keep peace. It never really works. And at times people get mad at me! I just feel it is my duty to try to fix things. Because in my heart I want to feel like that women in the first picture. And while all this stress is going on around me - I can't be that lady. Teehee. I need to stay out of things and be the adult. Loved it today and liked them all.
I have a tendency to want to control things myself Jack; its hard not to give advice but I've learned with certain people they don't want to listen and like to go through the school of hard knocks, LOL, and learn things their own (hard) way. I too need to let go a lot more than I do.
Great post, Jack! Good food for thought...
That VW bus is a second generation Microbus, made from '68 - '71, a most unusually short model cycle for VW. The third generation was introduced for the '72 model year.
My daughter is a Tibetan Buddhist so she believes in many of these.
More and more I'm living one day at a time and letting go of my need to control. I've found out that there is nothing much I really have control over, except my attitude and sometimes it's all I can do to keep myself on track. Nature is good therapy. I really appreciated those years we camped and were a bit closer to it. Now I just try to get out as much as possible. Hope you all are enjoying your part of the country there.
I used to be the 'control freak' in my family but have since learned that it only hurts me and angers others. I let go of that (for the most part, sometimes I still have to be the boss), and I've been much more relaxed. I love living where I do. It allows a true escape in the woods and watching wildlife around me. It IS the best therapy.
I understand where Chatty is coming from, being there a lot but not as much as we used to. It's a tough call. Personally, I finally said, they are your kids, son, father them. Grandma is here for the fun stuff and the hugs. It was me. I was the one not allowing him to be the dad. Life is so much easier tho our door is always open.
Life is a Good Feeling
All is such good advice.
We all try so hard to do and say the right things but sometimes it works for the best and other times it just slaps you in the face for trying to do good. Ugh.
It is hard being a Parent because it is a job that you cannot retire from.
I have not been posting much lately. Suffering from severe neuropathy in my hands and feet and and recent tests revealed severe arthritis in my shoulders. Ugh!
The pain prevents me from being on the computer as often as I used to be. It also prevents me from doing normal every day chores.
Hugs to my favorite couple!
My body does not let me forget my age. I think it is true with most of us, we don't follow advice and some of it is really good. Some not so good.
LOVE the Budda comment re: Meditation, too often we look at what we've gained from something and not what has been eliminated :)
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