Friday, September 18, 2015

Living Small

Cabin Fever FL 

I am on imagination or dreaming lately.  Sherry and I have always liked living small. Oh, I’m not saying we always have, we have built some nice homes, and enjoyed them. It is a benefit to being a builder. We easily slid from the larger homes to a 300 sqft motorhome, while building the next home. (this last time,  she refuses to let me build another Winking smile.)


We get along well in any size dwelling. Probably because we began our marriage in an 8x26’ trailer, our love nest, and loved it.

Living HOmes

As a builder I have always wanted to build some ‘tiny’ homes, but most building codes eliminated that. There was a regulation that each family member must have so much space, and you must have electricity, I have no idea if anything like that still exists. In my lifetime there have been families of 6-14 living in two bedroom houses, and the kids grew up normal and able to get-along in the world. Closeness indirectly teaches you how to get-along.

the B line  HIVE

There was a time the military troops lived in  ‘open bays’ environment. Each troop had about 20sqft including his rack (bed). His/her total possessions were in a locker box, Under his bunk. Top bunk guy’s lockerbox at the rear, bottom bunk guy’s, at the front (picture Grandma’s trunk or cedar chest).


Now they have ‘rooms’, a strange sad figure has immerged. Having room and privacy we have more  depressions, homesickness and suicides in service. My opinion is less camaraderie.


What does that have to do with living small?  There is actually a push on, to lower the size of homes. REBELS are ignoring Peer pressure which ‘forces’ Americans to go further in debt for the ‘bigger’ home.


These small homes I have scattered in this post, are now available. Some are completely off the grid, self sufficient.  You could not build one in this county, building codes will not allow the self sufficient or an underground house.

Having researched these home, I could never build one, I would have to completely re-learn technology. BUT I love the idea.


My BIL S.A., realized once the advantage of living small. When you are older, there is always something to balance and hold on to. Less falling, he said.

Just following the idea of dreaming. These homes have some neat features.

Nite Shipsog


If interested:


1983, more Automobiles, more foreign makes in the USA


1983 Caddy Fleetwood1983 CJ6 Jeep1983 Ford Country Squire1983 Mercedes1983 Olds Cutlass1983 Olds1983 town car



betty said...

I remember years ago hearing a pastor giving a sermon and he said the average house in the 1950s was about 1000 square feet and might have a 1 car garage. He said then at the time he was preaching the sermon, the average house was about 1800 square feet, had 2 car garage, and people had storage units both on the property and paid for them to keep all their stuff. My theory, if you have the space, you will fill it. So keep it small and you'll have less stuff. I'd be happy with a 2 bedroom/2 bath at about 1000 square feet, but then I'm married to a musician, LOL :)


Mevely317 said...

Twice this morning, I'm agreeing with "what Betty just said"! (LOL)
... only I'd probably go smaller.
Tom and I've not talked about it, but I'd love to own one of the tiny homes featured on HGTV. Except, we'd probably have to make that two, in order to store his musical equipment.

Interesting what you said about the ill-effects of separate military quarters. Before going away to college, I never had to share a room; it was quite an adjustment. (... and funny, I just posted a blog about 'sharing.')

Paula said...

Lately I've been craving to live in one room with private bath. I've thought of it so much I cleaned a bunch of stuff out of the garage and hauled it too Goodwill. Tomorrow I'll probably be wanting it.

Jean said...

I like idea of a small house, but I don’t think it would work for Grover and me. :) I watched a few shows on TV where they were building small homes on a trailer, but most had steps up to the bed and I wouldn’t last long climbing up to bed. ( Smile)

Jackie said...

I have watched the programs that center around the small homes....very interesting to see all that can be put into a smaller space. The space is small, but from what I gather from the TV program, the cost for it isn't quite so small.
Have a great weekend!

Rick Watson said...

You could build houses like that here Jack. The country where Birmingham is located has building codes but the county where we live don't. In fact, I'm not totally sure that homicide is against the law here :)


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'd say you have the best of living small right there in your motor home. Having had a large family, I can relate to closeness. Many of my children felt pretty lost when they first left home due to not having their family around all the time. They all still love it when they can get together.