Tuesday, July 5, 2022

I’m Lost in an unknown world….

  Today’s automobile:

 The Funeral home offers an upgrade from the bicycle for $189.99, just afraid it would bother my ears..  ;-)  But my boys would like it. With the $189.99 Sherry gets a family car, a bike with a side car. :-O....

Some thoughts for today:

As a child I saw a few wrecks on the highways. A couple of them resulted in deaths. One death was a child. I remember my dad ran back to see if he could help. It was in 1947. The old black man who lost a child was holding him. Dad repeated many times over the rest of his life what he heard the man say as he walked, crying, praying and talking. What struck my Dad were these words, “I’se just trying to get my children home!” 

I have a recording of a sermon my dad preached, it is barely audible now, but in that sermon he talked about his children. He wanted us all to make it to Jesus and home. He said, quoting the old man, “I’m just trying to get my children home.”

The only words my dad ever had to say about those accidents to us (sister and I) was, “Children (They didn’t say kids back then) when you drive you must be very careful, drive safely, there is danger on the roads, you have to stay alert.”

I don’t claim to know everything. But I do worry sometimes if maybe we try to explain these tragedies in too much detail to children. Phycology and Psychiatry have their place of course, but I don’t think every child needs it.

First of all most of the mass shootings/killings CANNOT be explained except that some person has a short-circuit in their brain.  There are too many controversies between the ‘wise men/women who are supposed to know the reasons.’

I’m as confused as the next guy, and the short little bit I watched the news on our NEW TV, I am more confused.

BUT in the end there is not a thing wrong with teaching children the 10 commandments. There is NOTHING wrong with teaching them that repentance and sorrow can do nothing but good. There is also nothing wrong with suggesting good models, it is pretty hard to find a better one than Jesus.  Just sayin’.

I have said many times, even an atheist will agree that the big TEN are good rules, they are really common sense!…..



Mevely317 said...

How my heart breaks for that old black man cradling the body of his little son. Sadly, there have been so many fathers put in that position. As you've pointed out, we're hearing of more and more senseless acts of violence by those with a 'screw loose' -- but how come we never heard of them back in the day? Not until Charles whats-his-name went up atop the University of Texas tower with a rifle. I think the whole world was stunned. And now? Shock lasts an hour, maybe two.
I pray there's more men and women (like y'all) who continue to share the Big 10.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It is very brave of you, Jack, to write this post. I agree with you that a parent's greatest duty and responsibility is to teach his children about God and the Ten Commandments. Sadly we are in a world where Christianity is in retreat and few would even admit to being believers.

Let me give you an example. Not so long ago I led a team at our Church about Christianity and our roles as Christians. These were church-going adults and parents. I asked: "if you were stopped in the street by an opinion poll organisation and they asked who is/was Jesus; what would you say?"

They replied: " A teacher, a wise man, a healer, peace-maker" and similar vague terms.

I was astounded to hear this from Christians from our church. I said, "Surely, He is the Son of God!"

They replied: "We don't say that sort of thing in public in this country!"

You see Jack, what chance have children of learning about Christianity if their parents are hiding behind anonymity? As it is, Christianity is not taught in our schools to a large extent; and God is excluded from our lives altogether. Only about 5% of the population attend church regulalrly once a week.

God bless.

betty said...

Your dad was wise in all he wanted was for his children to know Jesus and to make it home. I might have mentioned it before but a sermon I heard a few years back said the best thing a parent could do is tell their children about Jesus. I did fail a lot as a parent, but that one I got right. Of course I'm still waiting for them to walk the faith they once had, but I'll keep praying and trusting God. It does bother me to see young children at protests of this and that holding up signs they probably have no idea what they mean.


Lisa said...

I hate it when God allows us to witness such things in this world but they come with a message in life and visions you will never not see.

Off to work

Glenda said...

Today, after getting up early, having my Facebook "Fix", I went straight to the "Shipslog". Seems like life is moving too quickly and I'm tired early in the evenings. However, it was such a good day to read your message. Your family story is such an interesting experience. Love the remembrances of your parents. Have a fun day with precious Sherry and your cats! Love from Chobee, Glenda

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your words are of such good advice to parents everywhere. The big 19 as you call it, are the rules for life. I do agree, parents have the responsibility to teach their children right. I brought all mine up to know God, and I hope it helps them as much as it's helped me in my lifetime.