Wednesday, July 27, 2022

 There is a difference

 The super CAddy, sent to me by an old Shipmate, Frank Malinowski

Hidden tires with room to turn!

Memorable car of the day:


For today:

Yes, there is a difference in being just worn out, weary and tired and being BEAT! There can be a smiling tired, a happy tired or just a good tired.  I have made the mistake of saying I am ‘tired,’ without saying BUT it is a GOOD tired.

It is a strange thing about age, unless one is sick, or disabled with a life threatening condition, your mind does not age, and you feel the same as when you were much younger.

I hope I am not misreading my situation, today I have been very active. Cleaning behind myself, pulling wire for outlets and lights and smiling as I lose and find tools I have hid from myself.

The electrical project is going well, but the grass still grows, so I took time to cut, weed eat and give the drive a good blowing. I had ordered a replacement TV for the junk we had in the bedroom. We decided on a wall mount, we have never had that before, so I hung the NEW TV. Of course the TV is not a ‘click ON’ and watch, but we handled it. LOL

So I am tired. I do not think I have over-did.  I think Sherry thinks so, at times. BUT it is hard to stop doing something that is accomplishing something and is fun. I have a ‘policy’, I think the body is smart and will tell me to slow down or take it easy, if I push too far… LOL

Yeah I know, everyone thinks that……. BUT  I got it…  LOL

Nite Shipslog

PS: I talked to a lady who still gets around, but is very sick. She was saying that one day someone will wonder why there is not active at my home and will check to find ‘I have returned to dust.’ It is sad she has no kin left. She still drives, She told me a few weeks ago, “There are times I want to just start driving, no destination in mind, but just GO, until I die.”
That is sad….


Mevely317 said...

Wow. This sounds so much like what Tom's been trying to tell me for a while now. (Yes, I'm a worrier and, at times, a nagger.) I'll definitely be showing this to him and say a few mea culpas for good measure.

That's heartbreaking about your elderly friend. I've heard the postal service will sometimes send up an alert if they see mail hasn't been picked up in a while. It's a shame there doesn't exist some kind of outreach program, to simply check on those persons' wellbeing.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Yes, I believe the body does tell us to slow down. Just take care and slow down a little before the body says so. It's good to remain active though. That's why I have hidden the TV remote control and we now get up to change the channels or volume.

God bless.

Susie said...

Some times those good tired days are the we age, it's so good to accomplice a task. My problem seems to be I can still get tired working...but it takes a couple days to spring back. Oh believe me I thank the Lord when I can spring back. I miss really working like when I had a job. I reminded my SIL about what I did the 1st day I retired. He asked "what?" Well hell, I cried, cause I had worked 30 years now I had no job. Wasn't that silly...cause once you retire, you sometimes work harder and do not get paid. LOL Take breaks and rest when you feel the need. Blessings ,xoxo, Susie

Susan Kane said...

Poor lady. In a place of old age, discovering what it is. I have experienced so falls and injuries. That reminds me that I am old.

betty said...

I do agree the body lets us know if it has been pushed too much and it needs a rest. I think it is good to be active as you are, Jack. I think you also know your limits and will rest if/when you need to :)
