Friday, August 19, 2022

A ceiling…..

Auto Photo:


You see some personalized autos today, but there are some like the 1950's Mercury.

For today:

Okay back to work, every apartment needs a ceiling, not exposed floor joists.  So today I bit the bullet and went to purchase my ceiling grid and inserts for the apartment.

All went well, for the first few parts, but the Main parts, the main beams for the supported ceiling, were trash, junk. The store had 25 of them, I needed 8. There was NOT ONE that was not damaged beyond use. I asked for some help, was sent from one to another thru 4 folks, no one could find any more, they offered to sell the rest at half price. I laughed, actually laughed and informed the manager that he knew we were looking at scrap metal, it would be sold for the price of 10 cents a pound making each $15 piece worth about 30 cents. He agreed, but could be no further help except to order more, it would take a week or so.

I turned down the offer.

I brought the good purchases home, unloaded and found everything I needed in the neighboring town. So I am good to go .......... when I remember how to hang this stuff. LOL  It has been about 25 years since I hung a dropped ceiling…

Hopefully I will have a picture of the progress in the morrow.

Thanks again for all you who read & comment.

Nite Shipslog

PS: I talked to my friend, Billy, a day of so ago. He loved his 1956 Studebaker Hawk. I asked if he was still driving it. He said, "Jack I sold it and bought me a T-Bird," laughing he continued, "It has air conditioning.!"  Yep A/C was not high on the list in the 1950s, and this weather lets you know A/C is good.


betty said...

Good luck with the ceiling, Jack! Hope it all comes together the way you want it!


Victor S E Moubarak said...

You really are amazing, Jack. And you certainly seem to be working faster than some builders I know over here.

God bless you, my friend.

Dar said...

Mornin' my friend. It's sure a pity how ' cheap ' basic things are made...perhaps if everything we bought was still made in the USA????, just sayin'. My 19 yr. old grandson prefers his 1967 Torino over his beater car. He says the A/C is better....just roll all the windows way down. Gotta love it !!!
loven'hugs from up north where it's been a hot, humid summer....gads BUT I'm not complaining. LOL

Mevely317 said...

Jack, I think your Blogger ate my comment just now. Won't you check your spam file? xo

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I had a dropped ceiling at the old house and had to replace several of the panels and like you I had trouble finding ones that weren't broken, but I finally did and it looked like a new ceiling. I guess when it was originally put in, the old ceiling couldn't be fixed so they put the drop ceiling in. It sounds like you can't wait to get started to get back to work again. Good Luck !