Monday, January 30, 2023

Post by cell, having a problem with that LOL

I'm definitely going to have a problem with this posting via cell phone. I created one post but it is gone this is my first stop and I am at a place called Hawk Mountain not but a few miles into the trail. I was told never quit on a bad day so I didn't quit today very tired. Climbing up this mountain I got tired threw the pack on the ground and lay down to rest, I went to sleep. When I woke up I walked the wrong direction so that added 4 to 8 mi onto this trip. I did not like that.            I'm afraid to start another line by indenting so I'm just going to space. Starting a fire is very hard this time of the year it's taking me an hour to start a fire at both camps. I'm going to include a couple pictures or try One is icicles on the trail The other is the view from the first mountain I started on 

It was fluring a little most of the rest of the day.

Nite Shipslog


Bud Sansbury said...

You did not fail! You just exercised good sense and you are still our hero!!!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Stay safe and get your rest sir! You need it to continue your journey. May God Bless you.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's great to see your post from the trail and to know you actually got started. Hope you can keep warm and the weather warms up a bit for you. You are doing great blogging from your phone even adding pictures! Good luck with the fires and keep on doing your best. It's the only thing any of us can do.

Chatty Crone said...

It is great to see you on the trail. Don't quit on a bad day. You are doing better than anyone I know.