Sunday, January 21, 2024

Know your product (and salesman) before you buy

  Photo of the day


These are Rolex watches You can find then with prices in the millions....

Real or fake? I would not know....

So for today:

In traveling thru Switzerland once I did actually see watches in display windows with prices into the Thousands of dollars. I thought what I had heard was just someone blowing smoke. Now I learn the Rolex is just one of those that goes up above the $100,000 mark and higher.

Anyway, I had a customer on my Roach Coach route once who told me he had just made a deal, a man came into his office needing money, He had a Rolex that he hated to sell, but he would sell it for $100.00.  My customer bought it. He later learned he had been conned and it was one of those ‘knock-offs’ worth $10.  He was very upset.

Years ago my daddy told me in life do not play others' games unless you know the rules. Buy and sell only if you know the value.  I mostly follow that rule, but I haven’t always, and it costs.

Shjerry bought me a Gold Elgin watch (I think it is still in a drawer somewhere), I have used a $1 pocket watch and a $10 Timex.  I now wear a $19.00  Timex. My Timex is as accurate as a $12,000 Rolex or for my use it is as accurate. Some folks must have more money than they have time enough to spend it! (I heard that once)

Sailors in foreign ports are hounded by men wanting to sell all sorts of ‘gold, silver and diamond’ products. There again, I cannot tell those precious minerals from fake at a glance. I avoided them.

YES. I would not know a diamond from glass, all I know about real diamonds is what I heard a long time ago: a real diamond will cut glass.

Have you ever encountered or heard of the guy whose coat is lined with his stolen watches and rings for sale, like this guy?

I met one in Messina Sicily. On the way back to the ship a guy hailed me, “Hey Joe, wanna buy a diamond ring?  Look! It is real it cuts glass.” He leaned over a nice Mercedes and made a swipe, leaving a scratch across the windshield.

 This sailor RAN back to the ship I did not want to be accused of the damage.

 Just warning you, be careful next time when you buy a Rolex.  ;)   

Nite Shipslog

PS:  God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet; in person and here on the net.  Thank you all for being here… and being YOU!


Victor S E Moubarak said...

A friend of mine once bought an original time-piece that belonged to the Roman Emperor Nero. It was made by Role the Tenth, known as Role X. It was a sundial on a strap which you wear on your wrist. It was florescent so you could tell the time at night.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

Too funny about that diamond salesman. I'm not especially fond of precious stones, so his 'secret' would be safe with me! I remember as a girl visiting the Juliet Gordon Lowe home, the tour guide showing us a small section of window where (supposedly) she used a diamond to cut the glass.

For some reason, years ago I was infatuated with the idea of owning a Rolex one day. Probably I was of the mindset people would think better of me? I did know someone with the real thing who taught me, the secret to identifying a real Rolex is the second hand. Instead of 'ticking' it glides smoothly across the dial. Thankfully, nowadays there are more important things I desire!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

No rolexes here at my house! I don't even wear a watch anymore because I have a cel phone that tells me what day it is and what the time is. It's very accurate! Some may think it proves to others how much money you have. Most don't have much but a watch to show off. I have treasusres that are worth more than a rolex to me. My family, friends and my faith are what is important to me.

happyone said...

Wow I knew that Rolex watches were expensive but had no idea how expensive.
I can't tell the real from the fake.

Glenda Hulbert said...

It's always a pleasure to open up Shipslog, just KNOW I'll learn something! Love y'all to the Moon!