Saturday, February 8, 2025

How In the world?? Inflation? Recession? Depression?

 Photo from the Past:


So for today:

In 1955/56 When I was 16 years old:

The Snicker bars sold for a nickel. The average price of Gasoline was $0.29!

Mid1970 the Snicker was 25 cents, and Gasoline had moved up to $1 a gallon.

Whose fault was that?  I don’t know.  I am told that Interest rates can throw the world into recession or prosperity BUT knowing when to make changes is the wisdom that keeps this country moving forward.

I built and sold houses for many years. Son Mark was my #1 man. He decided to go out on his own and start his own construction company, with my blessings, I helped him with his first home. His building ideas were different from mine. His first house won first place in a builder’s contest, BUT WOULD NOT SELL!!  WHY? Interest rates were near +20% no one would buy, It was sold at cost.

Whose fault? Many blamed it on President Carter. BUT WAS IT HIS FAULT?  I have no idea. I heard many opinions, but no opinion changed the fact that interest was HIGH!

MY OPINION…. For any administration in our country to prosper and keep the country running smooth there must be intelligent and wise men at the helm. All promise they are going to make things better, but the proof is in the pudding, as my mama would say.

But I can tell you one thing, the price of eggs will NOT GO DOWN for many weeks. The Chicken man must raise new hens to lay the eggs and the earliest they lay is 18 weeks I read.

I bet these are Rhode Island Reds! Mama raised them.

Our Chicken farmers have had to destroy MILLIONS of their hens. My friend Vondale raised chickens in North Carolina and Dallas who raised Turkeys in Pennsylvania.  There are always losses as these birds are raised, and the manager must get rid of the dead birds safely. I learned a lot from the guys above, BUT I must ask them sometimes, if they had been ordered to destroy their adult birds (hundreds of them), how in the world would they do it?

I said all the above and thought much more, I could not think of running a country. WE voters must pick who we think will do the best job,

BUT WE WILL NOT KNOW WHAT THEY CAN DO UNTIL THEY TAKE THE HELM AND HAVE  IT FOR A YEAR OR SO, by then we know if the voters chose wisely! AND I will know which way my vote will go next time.  LOL

Until then, I wish the Snicker bar was still a nickel!

Nite Shipslog


 Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. Y’all are the BEST!  It is great to have friends! 


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I think it is all relative. Things do cost more and more, but we are making more money than ever before too. I used to work for one dollar and hour, now no one would do that, not even babysitters.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

As MA said: It's all relative. I have many relatives. It started with a few and now there are many. How did it happen? Inflation? Who's fault was it? You can't blame the politicians for everything. They had nothing to do with all the relatives I have. When they come visit they eat all my Snickers, Mars bars too, and the chocolates I hide in the fridge.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

When I peruse my mother's travel diary (ca 1957), I'm astonished by the prices -- both gasoline and lodging. Then again, I didn't see anything about their income. It's all relative, I suppose -- but I'm leaving it to those with a better IQ to work it all out.

PS - As a boy my father raised Rhode Island reds in 4H Club.

Lisa said...

I'm with you on the Snicker.

Off to work