(Who is my Daddy?)
So for today:
have a new GGrand dog. Bluebell.
There is a contest of what breeds brought her around to our family? I guessed Bull, Beagle and Fiest I thought some of you may have some insight
on a better guess… any ideas? THANKS!
I am learning that not everyone has a dog in their background. As a kid I had Two: One, Bingo, a white Feist mix the other, Ace, a black English Spaniel.
may be the only dog in heaven, I prayed over his grave several nights asking God
to allow Ace into heaven. I was a preacher’s son, so I did believe in prayer.
have said I should go to heaven just on the fact I attended church more than
most kids did. I had to attend every church service even REVIVALS. The only thing that could get me excused was
a heart attack. I used that excuse a couple times, but daddy prayed for me and
said I was healed. ;-( So off to church. But my mama was not just a preacher’s wife
but a mama. She faked belief in my stories once or twice and I was allowed to
stay home.
Oh wait, this was about dogs. Ace attended church
at every service in the summer time, also. Some of you may remember when churches
were not air conditioned and the doors and windows were all open in the
summer. My Ace would lay at the back
door with his head on the thresh hold and watch all the proceedings. So much so
that many people said dad considered him a member of the church. LOL Shouting
was common in Holiness Churches back then and old Ace would just lay there and
watch it all. So I am sure he got saved
at least once or twice. LOL
hope you had a good dog as a kid, I sure did, except Ace loved to chase
chickens; that got me into trouble more than once…
Below is Bluebell lying down. We had a Grand dog, Janie, a bulldog that laid out like this:
This is Bluebell and GGD Rosie below, Imma thinking there is gonna be some long time attraction here....
Pictures I borrowed from Grandson Josh's Facebook.
Nite Shipslog
Thank all of you that read here. I
enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. I hope you can see some breed in Bluebell's pictures. Y’all are the BEST! It is great to have
I had two as a kid, Cookie a terrier and Suzy a German Shepherd.
Bluebell sure is cute.
What exquisite eyes she has! I can't venture a guess ... perhaps she's like my mother used to call a "Heinz 57."
Growing up I had a miniature schnauzer ('Pepper'), who merely tolerated me and actually thought he was my father's boy.
There's no doubt in my mind, Ace is 'up there' watching and waiting.
We had 2 dogs that I remember...Jigs, not sure his breed, and Rebel, a German Shepard. Looking at your GGdog I'm guessing a bit of huskey with those eyes but his ears and body remind me of a boxer. She sure is cute!
Mevely got it right; I was going to say Heinz 57. Dogs are such good company.
God bless always.
Heinz 57's are the best kind of dogs, She looks to be in love with her people. Those eyes are really beautiful.
His breed is CUTE! I didn't have a dog as a child - but had one with my kids. Those eyes are beautiful. I think maybe dogs might go to Heaven.
The results are in!
30% American Foxhound
28% American Pit Bull Terrier
19% Siberian Husky
15% American Staffordshire Terrier
6% Boxer
2% Bulldog
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