Friday, October 9, 2015

It has been a long Road, and I am fortunate and blessed.

I can remember when I first noticed my hearing was going. Sherry and I were watching a Christmas Special on TV featuring ‘Peanuts’ comic characters. Snoopy was ice skating and the TV screen was split showing him skating, and the source of the music, a man whistling. The whistling stopped but I could still see the guy trying to whistle (I thought).


“That must be embarrassing!” said I.

“What?” asks my love.

“Losing your whistle on TV!” retorted I (Thinking there was no WHISTLE)

“What do you mean, he is still doing a good job whistling!”

My high frequency hearing was gone, and I didn't know it.

A couple years later I bought a repossessed Diesel truck from the bank. I was a proud contractor. (always cheap).

houses jack built scan0056

I took my girl a ride to show off my new (to me) truck. “Amazing isn’t it?” I asked. Then explained my statement, “How quiet this diesel is!”

“You are daft, this is a loud piece of a truck.” (Only I think she said piece of junk, she says she didn’t, but what do I know I was just realizing I had now lost my low frequency hearing.)

Time continued, loses increased and I got hearing aids, they helped. But eventually the hearing got so bad I found myself becoming a sort of a recluse. Even to the point of watching a men’s room at a restaurant (counting the ins & outs) to make sure no one was in there before I entered (Men feel obligated to talk in the toilet and I felt ‘stupid’ when it would happen).

It is a common attitude in the world, a person hard of hearing (That one does not know) is assumed to have a mental problem. That is not fair, but it is true!

So Friday morning I was to find out if the ultimate (for us with a ‘profound loss) was going to benefit me (and my family).

So the results?

I hear now, voices are more like Donald Duck, but they are steadily getting better. I can hear the turn signals now,  so I might not leave them on forever.


Life is good to me. I am the most blessed guy in the world, good health, a good family and the sweetest lady in the world to live with.

Night Shipslog


Going back to when I could hear, My first car, 1948 Chevy convertible.



Jimmy's Journal said...

That is GREAT news, Jack. I am very happy for you. Just make sure that once you listen to my songs, you don't tell everybody I sing like Donald Duck.


betty said...

That's great Jack! I bet it felt good to be able to hear some things you couldn't previously hear!! Hoping it continues to steadily improve!!


Mevely317 said...

When in the restaurant earlier today, I couldn't wait to scroll down to the bottom of your post. Now, it's good to sit back and read 'the rest of the story', like Paul Harvey used to say.

Since Tom's hearing is deteriorating rapidly, your insights are a big help.

Chatty Crone said...

I have been wondering about your surgery - what a blessing that was - I am so thrilled. You do have a lot of blessings!!!!!!!!!

Sheila said...

That is wonderful news! I was hopeful the surgery would be a success!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank the good Lord for His many blessings ! That is the best news I've heard this week! I can only imagine you'd want to keep those blinkers on just to hear them. How wonderful ! Almost makes me with our blogs could talk. Any way, wishing you a very happy day hearing all those things you've not heard in awhile!

Lisa said...

This is great. Im glad your getting your hearing back.
I remember having my ears cleaned out by the doctor once and I was amazed at just hearing the wind blow past my head. Its little things we don't hear that made me thing of what is taken for granted at times as we focus our hearing on a lot of things we shouldn't even be hearing.

Happy for you