Thursday, July 6, 2017

I have an idea, let's go to Florida

Little known facts:
1.    The chicken is one of the few things that man eats before it's born and after it's dead.
2.    Some dogs can predict when a child will have an epileptic seizure and even protect the child from injury. They're not trained to do this, they simply learn to respond after observing at least one attack.
3.    A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
Tonite, I am tired.
Imma tell you, two great grands can wear you out!  LOL The girls are sweet and both getting ready to head for Florida. Stella and her family are headed for St. Augustine.  And I suggested to Sherry that we go to Florida in the coach. And give JJr, Ben, and Elsie a ride in the coach. Elsie has never seen the Ocean/Beach so they can sightsee whilest I fix the plumbing error, and Sherry relaxes

So we will head to Florida in the coach in the next few days. I have DVD’s of old 8mm movies etc from Ben’s past They can view. 

Ben is the grandson spirited away by his mama and we did not see or hear from him for a few years. We did not know where he was. We received letters saying Ben was well. Each letter was postmarked from a different state. Most mornings I would speak to my recorder in my office to him. I was crazy about that little dude.
 Above is Ben when he was spirited away. Below is Ben when Carol allowed us to fly him out from Utah. This is the BIG Birthday party to try to make up for the missed years.

Once when Ben was 12 yrs old I took him back to Utah for court. Just he and I in the coach.  I allowed him to pick the nightly stops. On that 2000 miles I let him listen to the tapes. After a few tapes he turned to me and said, “Grandpa, I can’t believe you thought you would never see me again?”

I told him that after a couple years of NO CONTACT, which seemed like forever, I definitely was not sure. The USA is a very big place to start looking for one little boy!

But we did reconnect, I used to call him, “The greatest boy that ever lived.”  I said that so much it embarrassed him, I finally reduced it to: TGBTEL. When he was in his upper teens I had to change the B (boy) to YM (young man).

We now have a good relationship with Carol, Ben’s mother.  She fed the whole clan when we all flew out to see Ben.  She was a great hostess.

I keep e-mail contact with Carol’s mama. She reads the blog. Joan is a sweetie and still plays golf out in the dry heat of Utah.

Ben is special, our first blood-related GrandLOVE. Life is good seeing him daily for a few days!

Nite Shipslog
 Mystery car, I am sure it is foreign, maybe England/France!


betty said...

Safe travels! How fun for the young one to be able to see the Atlantic Ocean (and I'm sure you are "itching" a bit to fix the plumbing problem). They do wear us out but its a fun wearing out. I just finished reading a fiction book somewhat based on a true story about how a father keep his children away from the maternal grandparents after their mom died. The maternal grandparents sent cards for birthdays/holidays every year that got returned. They kept the cards and when reunited years later when the grandchildren were adults, the grandmother (grandfather had passed by this time) brought out the cards and gave a folder of them to each grandchild. They were amazed the grandparents had cared for them all those years.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love how you call your grands - Grand Loves! They truly are loved ! Enjoy the trip and your extended visit. How sweet it is !

Lisa said...

You are such a good great grandpa! Im sure the kids adore you and Sherry and will enjoy the trip and the trip down memorie lane.

Safe travels

Mevely317 said...

The love you and Ben have for one another reminds me of my own dad and son. I used to think theirs was a one-in-a-million story; but it does my heart good to hear of yours and Ben's!

Dar said...

Jack, you and Sherry are creating a wonderful place in your GrandLoves hearts that they will never forget. I have a similar relationship with my GrandLoves, especially Syrus. He's old enough now to email me often and he, like yourself, has a gift for writing. He wants to write a book someday and I'm sure he will. It's hard being away from the GrandLoves of our lives but we do like you do, making as many memories as possible with valuable time spent together whether we are just playing board games or having a quiet moment together. Life is good in our north.
love n' hugs where a nasty storm just raced through several counties in and around us with hail and high winds. All's safe again.


a wonderful storyof family love.


ps) Have a great trip.

Paula said...

So happy you were reunited with Ben that must have been a great worry. Good and safe trip to all of you.