Friday, January 12, 2024

My life is Blessed, I have known such wonderful folk

 Photo of the day

 1955 Ford....

(This was the car we had when we went to Missouri. We towed our 42' house trailer with it. Sherry & jack Jr. when we lived in Kirksville, MO, active duty USAF.)

So for today:

Anyone who knows me knows I have had one crazy life; they also know I have one wonderful wife to stay with me as I navigated thru this world.

Being raised in a parsonage, one of the last things I ever wanted as a youngster was to be a preacher.  My heart was set on being in UNIFORM. WWII with air raid warnings, blackouts, seeing my brothers, cousins, uncles in uniform, I wanted one.  LOL When I was 5 I would never thought that in my life I would wear 3 different uniforms. LOL

I tried to join the Marines when I was 16, I was discovered sent back home. I joined the day after I was 17. Leaving the Corps I then decided to try the USAF.

While in the USAF we attended church and worked with children.  I was good with kids, chalk talks, puppets and Magic tricks with a Christian message. When performing magic I always told the kids, the only real magic is Jesus, I use tricks, it is your job to see how I do it. LOL

My dad NEVER encouraged me into the ministry, but friends and pastors did. I started feeling I should do something in the way of ministry. 
We left a great church family in Biloxi Mississippi and under USAF orders went to Kirksville, Missouri, a radar site..  WE continued to attend church and there we met some wonderful folk and got involved in a church there.

After the comments of our good friend Glenda  about our life in Missouri I got to thinking I should try to explain some of her comments.

l-r Carolyn our pastor's daughter,  With 3 of the Conrad girls, Glenda, Lil (Lilliam) and Mary.

The Conrad family lived on a farm. Ten children and they were amazing, they all come to church over 20 miles in one car.  Sister Eileen Conrad was a soloist. A voice from heaven and could have held her own in Carnegie Hall. It is amazing the talent in this world that never gets acclaim.

(I have a picture of the Conrad family somewhere and cannot find it. If anyone has a copy you can find, please e-mail one to me.)

We were invited to dinner on the farm with that crowd many times. Glenda told of a happening around that big dinner table when little Robert was eating seconds and Sherry said, “Robbie, you are a little pig!”

He looked at her and replied so innocently, “A pig sit on a chair?” Remember he was a farm boy.

More tomorrow I hope.

 Nite Shipslog

PS :  Thanks for reading the Shipslog, hope to see you again, try to stay warm and be good. Some of this story may be hard to write, but I will continue.....


Spare Parts and Pics said...

You have indeed led an interesting life!

yaya said...

Memories show how fast time flies! You have a library full of great stories of a wonderful life. You still have many more memories to make! Have a good weekend!

Mevely317 said...

Little Robbie's comment made me smile. Remember Art Linkletter's "Kids Say the Darndest Things!".

You and Sherry have been blessed, indeed ... rubbing shoulders with some wonderful folks. I think perhaps, one of the greatest legacies is to have others speak your name fondly after you've gone.
(Cross fingers, we're all among that number someday.)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a great life you've led. You have met some awesome people for sure ! For me church has always been an important part of family life. I'm moving and will have to change churches and leave the one I've been a member of for over 50 years. The people there have often felt like family. I'm proud of your military history. Thank you for serving ! DDH was in the AF and served many years in Biloxi, Mississipi. He was only in for four years and thankfully came home to me.

salemslot9 said...

Sent you an email Jack