Saturday, May 4, 2024

Upper Indiana (Elkhart) and lower Michigan (Buchanan)

 Blogger has changed a lot for me and I cannot manipulate lines and pictures as well as I used to.  I follow by Edward.  He is out in California, bless his heart (As we say down South).    He is a pro with a camera, and I love the shots he makes.  You must appreciate someone who can make junk into an eye-catching picture art. The dude can do that.  He did a post recently shot at 'The Car Wash' or something like that.  It was a collection of cars that have washed into an area of the desert in Southern California.  I guess I said all that to say my pictures are snaps, I am too lazy to learn better. He is witty also, took the picture of a wreck's dash where the light switch was still on. "They left the lights on!" he said.  LOL

This sight is common all round this area thousands of acres ready to plant. Can you imagine how long it takes to plow this much land?  As an example, once in the Dakotas we watched one tractor plowing 16' go around a giant field. He made only two rounds in a day. At the end of the day the tractor was left in the field and the farmer jumped on a little 4-wheeler that was on the tractor, and he went home.

WE are at Bear Cave Resort.  The cave is not big. Years ago we asked about the cave and the lady said take those stairs down to the entrance. I am not going with you; the bats scare me. That was 10 years ago. Now they charge $4 to go into the cave. ;-).

Another field out of sequence but I cannot move it.   This park is on the banks of the St. Joseph River.  The St. Joe dumps into Lake Michigan up the road at Saint Joseph Michigan.

In closing this mess, I shot a quick picture of this tree with all brown leaves.  I have seen many BIG ones up here. i say that because I am reminded of a house I once sold.  The lady planted a beautiful little tree and a few days later I noted the leaves were all brown. I mentioned to the lady it was terrible to plant a tree and it die that soon.  Ok, I live under a rock, "Mr. Darnell it is supposed to be that color, it is a xxxzz !"(I do not remember the name.) but I remember feeling pretty dumb. LOL

Take care we will visit a new to us church in the morning.  Then the next morning is Monday and we learn about the Coach.


Chatty Crone said...

You are moving and grooving. No matter what order your pictures are in - I enjoy them. Hope you enjoy church today. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW ON YOUR COACH!

Mevely317 said...

I've got to go visit Edward! I sure admire those with a clever, think-outside-the-box imagination ... and talent to capture.

My grandfather was a farmer (on a small scale), but I never paid much attention to his work, plowing and harvesting. What you describe about that farmer sounds incredibly boring. I don't know. Unlike my grandfather's generation, maybe he has a sound system to listen to books or podcasts.
I thank God for our nation's farmers!

Susie said...

Jack, My daughter use to live in Elkhart. She is the one that is now living in Seattle. Loving it too. Her favorite thing in Elkhart was the St. Joe river. She loves nature, bird watching and she went to the many shops in that area also. I love to see big fields being plowed, planted, and later harvested. I actually drove out by the old farm house Ted and I had. Some of the fields had been plowed. We have had a lot of rain. Blessings to you and Sherry. xoxo, Susie

yaya said...

I've been through Elkhart a zillion times on my way to my home town of Chicago. I just drove past it in March. I always know I'm 2hrs from my final destination when I hit Elkhart! I hope all goes well with the Coach and wave at Ohio on the way back home...unless you go a way that doesn't include our neck of the woods! Drive safe and hug that pretty lady in the picture!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Best wishes on your travels my friends. Pray for me when in church.

God bless.