Thursday, May 9, 2024

Vacation timel

 Pic of the day:

 This is part of my dream vacation trip.  I have always wanted to drive to Alaska and fly to Ireland. Ireland is still on the list for me.  Sherry's dream trip was Hawaii (we did go there later) but traveling thru the YUKON to get to Alaska was a BIG treat. Did you ever hear of Sgt. Preston and his dog, Yukon King? 

The radio program Sgt Preston and Yukon King

Then we entered Alaska from Dawson City on the Top of the World Highway!

BUT this is From Michigan, on the banks of the St. Joe River:

Yeah I know, we are always on vacation, above was the one to Alaska; but we call that normal life for us.  But now for a couple weeks we will relax.

We e-mailed the HWH Corp in Moscow, Iowa with our situation and problems.  WE were given the hope that they could do the work within the $$ guidelines we listed.  We have an appointment on the 22nd of this month.  That gives us two weeks here in Buchanan, since the stay will not cost us anymore, the rest of the time should be stress free.

So that is what we will do, stick around, walk, read and play dominoes. If we had enough sense to operate this TV we could probably watch movies if we liked.  As far as I can remember I can’t remember if we have watched a movie on TV. LOL

Since my major hearing loss, our TV on maybe 1 or 2 hours a year.  Then it is usually some major event, a couple times it was for tragic events concerning the space shuttles.

BUT, BUT, I sure keep my nose in this computer enough time to make up for all the TV I miss.  Sherry is the same with the phones and tablet.

We enjoy each other's company, so when we are not being pushed for Dr. appts or RV repairs is a big break.

Ref to Mail.  Yes we do pay extra for our mail service. Our address is their office, where we have a Personal mail box a PMB.  WE can pick up our mail in person or call and have it sent to any address in the world, BUT WE DO HAVE To PAY THE POSTAGE from the mailroom to wherever we are.  YES it does get expensive.  We do ask them to separate the ‘junk mail.’

(Our mail was sent to Alaska a couple times, one Post office was in a lady's living room)

WE are getting a lot of rain here in Michigan. I am not sure if that is normal for here or not. Since we are only 10 degrees south of London, where a lot of RAIN is normal, LOL

Nite Shipslog


Thank you all for being here…  Smile life is better (on the road)…. It is still good to be above the worms….. (and snakes)


Mevely317 said...

I'm so glad you're getting some answers, AND can sit back and relax. Read some ... or begin writing another book.

Time's sure a precious thing. I think of everywhere I want to visit -- and grow frustrated when I can't -- but dreaming doesn't cost a thing. Like that Kenny Nolan song, "I like dreamin'."

Marie Francesca said...

I remember watching Sargent Preston and Yukon King. As well as Sky King! I wanted my name to be Penny and have a pony tail like the daughter on Sky King!
Enjoy your relaxing time. I look forward to "hearing" from you tomorrow.
Patricia (first time posting)

Susan Kane said...

What adventures you have. Someday, soon, you must go to Ireland. People talk about going all the time, but talking is not the same as doing.

yaya said...

Jack and I have the same Alaska pics! We sure loved it there when we visited in 2007. We hope to get back again but only time will tell. We went to Michigan as a plan B vacation last Fall. We were going to go to Maine but the hurricanes and bad weather had us change the plan and we loved it in Michigan. Have fun you two kiddos! We have a rainy chilly day here in Ohio. Hoping for some sun soon!

Susie said...

Jack, Wow, you and Sherry have truly lived an interesting lifestyle. Still are and enjoying most of it. I am hoping the repairs are not out of reach. I know you love that RV. Blessings to you both, Hold each other tight. xoxo, Susie

Chatty Crone said...

You have traveled so many wonderful places!!!
So you decided to get the RV fixed after all?
So Sherri doesn't watch TV either? I think I would go nuts!