Friday, June 14, 2024

Murphy doing well, cannot say the same

 Just a note, Murphy is doing well with the heart transplant.  We learned his original heart had only two chambers, and the normal heart has 4 I believe, if I remember right.  His body is having to get used to the new blood flow, and is doing it well......

But as for me, I strained my right shoulder a few days ago cutting small tree limbs, making it hard to use my right side. Yesterday I took a good fall on to the same shoulder.  My right arm is now immobilized to  allow healing.   I am learning to use my left arm more.

I was quickly reminded of my dear friend Mary Ann, who has messed up her right arm MUCH WORSE than mine.  Laughingly she told of the toilet problems and the right handed person learning to use that left hand. LOL

Now I KNOW. ;-)

I will be reading but no typing for a few days.

This is nothing life threatening of course, just an imposition. LOL

Nite Shipslog.... until later

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Murphy update.

 Just a note .  We were touched by the many comments, here and e-mails.  Especially blessed by your comments here and prayers.

YES, this Murphy is a fighter and had a host of 'Team Murphy' here in the area.

His chest has been closed, A biggie I understand.  Then the even bigger one, the removing of the breathing tube.  His dad was no duty the night before but mom had went home for a much-needed night off. Traffic delayed her return, but the Medics held up the BIG MOMENT of removing the breathing tube and bringing him around after the EXTREME SURGERY was completed so both parents would be present when he opened his eyes.  She arrived a few minutes  later and the PROCEDURE was done, the breathing tube was removed, and he was 'allowed' to come out from under.  They all smiled with joy,  when he opened his eyes and smiled then his first  words were:


Oh yes, I will not give his name here now, but the donor was a sweet little three year old boy who had a strong heart but a life losing disease.  The scene was so touching with the donor's family taking THE LIFE-WALK to the surgery with their son. Family, staff and friends lining the hallway.

TEAM MURPHY announces so far everything is on track and of course they all know that recovery is a tough road.  Prayers continue.

Love you guys, i will be back on line soon......

Nite Shipslog

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Miracle Workers (Doctors) & Murphy, An amazing kid,

  A picture from the Past.

 Mom and Dad Kiss the Murph years ago after a successful surgery.

For Today:

I have actually seen a miracle and been receptor of one, once.  But that is beside the point.  Today it is Murphy, he is 12 or 13 yrs old. He was born with a bad heart problem. In his short life he has had at least 4 open heart surgeries but can still bubble with laughter and smile. 

As I type, he is recovering from a heart transplant he received last night. They reported the surgery went well and he is now resting. Murph is Sherry’s great great nephew.

Isn’t amazing what the medical profession can do now. Do you remember EVER thinking of your heart at ten or twelve? The only time I can remember thinking of it was when I had run or climbed hard and felt it really beating.

Murph has a great attitude and is a winner.  The family KNOWS. Loves and appreciates the fact that someone died for Murph to receive the heart.  They feel the person will live within Murphy.

Below is Dad & Mom (Chuck and Casey) with sisters Reece and Emma Kate.  The big guy in stripes is Murphy.

Family and close friends were with Murphy 24/7 during the wait, they were "Team Murphy".

Let me tell you that I was overwhelmed when I heard all the preps that must go on, for about a week or so now the family was housed at the hospital, keeping Murphy READY, waiting,  because as you can understand, this procedure is time sensitive and must be completed ASAP.  You know there must be some stress here.

The family is so grateful and say prayers are still needed and appreciated.  They are so thankful to God and all who supported them in prayers.  So, I ask if you do pray, mention good ole Murph. If you don’t pray, think of him in a positive way.



Once again ‘Thanks’ AGAIN to y’all for stopping by the Shipslog. I think we all would rather be home no matter how humble, than be in the BEST Hospital in the world.