Monday, July 1, 2024

Bananas and Trees, NOT Banana Trees

 Pic of the day:


Beside the AT in New Hampshire

 For today…

This arm still wants to hurt. I quit protecting it too soon, so now I am paying the price. AND July 4th is almost here!

We are parked just beside the Lake County Fair Grounds. They have a farmer’s market on Thursdays. I needed to move around so I walked over.  The farmers were packing up. I saw some bananas that looked good. 6 for $2. Most were ageing, but these 6 were pretty. The Farmer put them in a bag, then put about 12 more of the more bruised in the sack. I thanked him of course.

When I got back to the RV I am thinking how do I save these? Looking on the net I saw were you could keep  the ones just ripe in the refrigerator.  So I put two in there. We used some for sandwiches (which I do LOVE). We gave Son Mark some. 

Then I saw a place declaring that just putting the bananas in a plastic bag will keep them up to 30 days.  I didn’t believe that, but I'm trying it. The ones in the refer still look good after the 4th day.  The ones in the plastic bag are still good.  I am definitely happy.

Trees? To get trees taken down now, the tree people  now demand ‘Your First Born!’.  Well maybe not, but it is expensive.  We needed 5 or 6 taken down and it does cost a lot. Over $650 a Tree.  OUCH.

But we just received a message that the job is done, we are very glad of that.

So there is some good news, good bananas and downed trees.

Nite Shipslog

PS:  Thank you all for being here…  Smile life is better for me (on the road) even with a few pains…. LOL