Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Catching that curve

Historical Photo:
 Early Florida Steam Boat


Life is unpredictable. The sewer pump that I thought I had fixed, ‘ain’t’! I have the new pump, but there is a leak somewhere in the lines.
And then……
My Sister’s MRI was today. I expected a smooth day and stop for Ice cream at Dairy Queen. However, She is pretty strong headed and just as she was to enter the MRI head first she said, “I want out!” The technician came out to get me. As we neared the machine he stopped me to remove my hearing aids. When he learned I have Cochlear implants I could not get near the machine. No amount of cajoling or encouragement would work. Out in the waiting room we talked and she said OK I will do it.  It messed with the schedule of the crew, but they did it and found something.

Her Dr. called the EMS and got her to the emergency room. After a lot of tests she is in the hospital to talk to more specialists. She called Sherry just after we started home and said she is coming home in the morning, she doesn’t need this.  I just answered the phone again and she needs to be released, or a comb to comb her hair.

The technician said the leak was small, and it was caught early. A statement & question. When Shirl refused the MRI, the tech first asked if I had power of atty. I have complete power of atty. He said you can tell me to continue.
I told him, no way would I go against her will even though she is having ‘cognizant problems.’

Now the bigger question. If they want her to remain in the hospital for further tests and she had rather come on home because she is sure she does not need them. I will probably suggest she stay but give in is she is adamant. NOW the biggie: If they suggest an operation on her brain to ‘fix’ this leak and she does not want it. I am about sure my answer would be, OKAY. 

In my heart I think it is BEST to do the tests and even surgery, but I still cannot go against her will.
Be honest, what would you decide?

Nite Shipslog
 1960 El Camino Chevy


Unknown said...

Jack, I have no idea how to answer. I'm sending lots of love to you, Sherry and Shirl, and you will be in my prayers!!

Chatty Crone said...

The leak is probably what is causing all or a lot of the issues. It might kill her or cause her to become ill. However - i have made my wishes know now that i am cognitive - did she? - i mean sometimes and this sounds hard - and i don't mean it that way - you gotta let her wishes go forth. My mom loved her shoes - and they wanted to put sneakers on her - and i belt her in a chair - I could not do it. She fell a couple of times and that did not help her. But i feel she kept her dignity. I just couldn't do it knowing my mom. Pray and ask God and I will too. TOUGH DECISION. Next time they give her an MRI - get her a Valium - they do it all the time and should have this time seeing how anxious she was. They can ever put you out. But you have to know to ask. Love, sandie

Mevely317 said...

Ah, Jack. Tom had the same reaction when he was first subject to the 'head-first' MRI. The techs could not have been nicer and assured us, that was not unusual. (2nd attempt was a 'go' with sedative.)

I've asked Tom to read this, as well. Immediately, he was curious what the surgeons feel are pro's and con's of this procedure. Given their feelings, if the leak can be repaired and her cognitive faculties restored, we believe it's time to pull out the 'tough love' card and go for it. I only hope and pray - if faced with the same scenario - my son would put aside my protests and do what he feels is the sound, if unpopular, decision.

I'm so sorry you're having to walk this talk. Prayers for all!


prayers for all of you. i wouldn't want someone to go against my wishes. but it's a tough spot to be in.

betty said...

I'd get a second opinion before I decided one way or another, just to have the opinion of someone else. I think I would specifically ask if this could be the cause of some of the cognitive issues and if this perhaps would help them. I would also ask about prognosis with and without the surgery and how quality of life would improve or not improve if the surgery was not done. Once all those things had been discussed to where I got a good understanding for sure of what was going on, then I would probably favor the operation if it had more advantage to having it then not having it. But it is a tough one indeed and I don't envy you all in having to make it. Prayers definitely for all of you!


Dar said...

Oh Jack, my prayers for Shirl as she struggles with such harsh decisions, and for you as you find the right decision. Betty had some valid points on a 2nd opinion. It also may help your sister decide more clearly, what to do, based on her quality of life with or without surgery. Our prayers are with both of you as you make such hard decisions. God speed this very difficult task ahead. It does sound like your sweet sister listens to you and she will know that if you have to decide for her, that you always have her best interest at heart.
Love, hugs and constant prayers as you go through this process with her. God's will be done.

Lisa said...

Man, Thats a hard one. Make sure she has a comb then maybe have a good sit down and discussion.

Sneaking in from the desk.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh Wow! that is a shocker. I read this after reading your last post. Praying all works out for the best.

Rick Watson said...

Hey Jack,Your blog stopped sending me emails when you post so I missed a lot of updates.
I’m sorry to read that you guys are having to deal with this stuff.
Stay strong. We’ll be saying prayers for you all.