Historical Photo:
The Historic Belmont Abbey, Belmont, NC
Amazing how fast priorities change in life. Tonight will be the second night in the hospital for Shirl. It started with a routine test.... to a hospital room. It is sorta unique since Shirl, like all of our family was born at home. She is now 82 and never spent the night in a hospital as a patient. She holds the record in our family. Now I have a shot of catching her, I have never spent the night in a hospital.
Shirl has had a terrible time adjusting to calling someone to assist her to the toilet. She is not used to all the questions and visits by different staff members.
She had a little more bad news today. A blood clot attached to the wall of the heart. Still no surgery suggested. At this point they plan to try to handle it with blood thinners and cholesterol meds along with her blood pressure meds. She hopes for release tomorrow.
Still trying to ‘hit’ this curve that has been thrown.
One sort of silly thing is she cannot accept that TV channels can be different than she has had for many years. She is upset that channel 4 is NOT channel 4! LOL
Nite Shipslog

Let's look at sewer pumpers since that is where I am lately!
And then there is:
North Carolina facts (since we are here)
- The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill is the oldest State University in the United States.
- In 1903 the Wright Brothers made the first successful powered flight by man at Kill Devil Hill near Kitty Hawk. The Wright Memorial at Kitty Hawks now commemorates their achievement.
- High Point is known as the Furniture Capital of the World.
- Known as "Fish Town" in the early 1700's when Blackbeard frequented the coast, "Beaufort Town" was established as a seaport with the right to collect customs, in 1722.
- The Outer Banks of NC hosts some of the most beautiful beaches in the country.
The other night I decided to take control of the contoller, after several minutes, I had to ask Nick, “Where is channel 3 and 9?” He just laughted and said “we havent had those channels for years”. I just gave up.
Hoping Shirl gets better soon. Hope you all can get rest.
Shirl will need to come home to get some rest; I would imagine she probably isn't sleeping her best there either. Seems like when you do in for one thing, they find other things that need "fine tuning." Hoping the medicine does the trick so she won't need surgery for her heart or other issues and that she'll be able to go home tomorrow.
I will be praying that the meds take care of that clot and that Shirl is home soon. Having had such good health all these years it would be hard to take being in the hospital, but then that is never easy. but it's the best place for her right now. My internet was off most yesterday so I couldn't comment then. Thankfully we are back in business today !
Prayers for Shirl and all of you caregivers.
I'm old enough to remember when being in the hospital meant being pampered. (My mother - a former RN - even used to massage her patients' feet!) I dunno WHAT happened, but I've witnessed Tom and a couple others treated as little more than collateral. Shirl's so fortunate to have you and Sherry as her advocates!
Shirl's frustration about the TV remote is a real thing! And when you're not feeling so hot to begin with, who needs more annoyances? Not sure if they still exist, but it seems to me the Candy Stripers (or volunteers) could act as a concierge, helping patients navigate their new surroundings and those danged remotes!
Still sending many prayers for all of you, especially Shirl as she 'adjusts' to another 'first' in her life. Hospitals are no place to find rest, but home is. My grandma never saw a doctor til she was 92, not once. She lived till a month before her 103rd birthday and never spent a single night in a hospital. I see you being as the same. Prayer, prayers, prayers~!!!
Hugs to you all from up north where the snow is melting fast. We're loving it!
So are you near Cary, N.C.? One of my oldest and dearest friends lives there. We have been friends for over 30 years.
So they found a blood clot near here heart and attached to it.
Did you ask the doctor about what will happen?
I will be saying my prayers.
Love, sandie
my prayers go out to Shirl. here's hoping the medicines take care of business.
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