That Car:
I know, a day or two late but I think he ate part of this car!

For today:
I enjoy witty
folk. I really envy them with jokes and comebacks. This stuff had me laughing. I hear laughter is good
medicine. After seeing those two ‘little Farmers’ I used yesterday, I wanted
more smiles. So laugh or smile.
Don't you love the captions folks can put on a baby' face?
In closing, this is me........
I was telling a friend, Joe Carver, That Sherry 'n I had taken an impromptu trip to Germany with Buck 'n Alice. ( Buck operated a backhoe and did our yards and foundations when we built houses.)
"That musta been a tough trip with a horse!" said Joe.
"What do you mean?"
"The trip with that Bucking Alice!"
I smacked him. LOL
Hope Y'all have a great day, Life is good, REALLY!
PS: We're closed......
These folk travel light!
These are great, Jack! (Well, not so much the cars.)
I'm embarrassed to say how much I resemble the one about replacing my dish sponge.
Thank you so much for the much needed humour today, Jack. Laughter is good for us. I studied laughter. It starts as a small ball of happiness that grows from the depth of our stomach and comes out as a noise from a hole in our head. From anywhere else and we're in trouble.
Laughter releases dolphins within us which tickle the insides and make us feel better.
God bless.
Ha! Love it all! Plus I just bought sponges shaped like acorns...what can I say, I'm weird.
Thanks for all the smiles and laughter this morning ! It really is the best medicine and cures lots of ills. Everyone feels better with a good laugh!
I love humor - it is just such a great start to the day. Love the cars too.
It is always good to laugh and you put some good ones on this blog, Jack, that made me laugh :)
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