Saturday, December 17, 2022

Lost Dreams

 Today’s one of a kind:

 Speaking of flying, The flying RV

Some thoughts for today:

Not those day dreams or dreams of life, but the real nocturnal dreams we have as we sleep.

Does it happen to you?  That is, you have a great dream (or 2 or 3) during the night; you know you had them even have snippets of each, but cannot recall the whole thing?

I am sitting here, frustrated trying to replay a great dream and it is impossible. I have asked around this table, and the rest of this family is the same.  Each can remember that in their youth there were dreams they could remember very well, but since age has caught up, we are in the same boat.

We did have similar youth dreams that we remembered. One was about flying. JJ mentioned that in one recurring dream, he could fly.  Hearing that, I recalled one from my youth. One so vivid that when I woke up, I actually went outside to see if I could fly.  YEP I was disappointed, I could not fly! Shucks!

Many dreams involve being naked in public, flying and falling. I have had them all. On average (according to one study) people have 1,460 dreams a year. WOW that is close to 4 dreams a night.

Dreams anyone?




Lisa said...

I have always had dreams. When I was younger, I used to have bad dreams all the time. I would always sneak into my parents room and climb in the bed with them to be safe. Daddy always carried me back to my bed where I would then sleep the rest of the night.
Now days I have became a Lucid dreamer. Most of the time I know when Im dreaming and can choose to keep it going or get out of it. I love this super power about me.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I don't remember my dreams either but I know that I've had them. They say we should pay attention to our dreams as they can foretell the future. I only wish I could, but if I do happen to remember I'll be writing it down. One dream I had as a young girl was to have a large family and that one certainly came true !

NanaDiana said...

I have dreams and can sometimes remember them but mostly I remember snippets. I have dreamed for years that I could fly. Several times I have flown so high that I get scared and then I dream myself 'down' to a safer level. I remember those! Isn't that crazy?!
Sweet dreams to you and Sherry as we head towards Christmas. xo Diana

Chatty Crone said...

I too dream. In fact I remember things that have happened in the past that by day - I don't remember!!!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, how I can relate! In that misty place between deep sleep and wakening my dreams seem so vivid. Then, disappointment. Like vapor, they fade away.

Almost 5 years retired now, all of a sudden I'm having dreams (nightmares) of being back in that same workplace -- not so pleasant. The only other recurring dream I have is being at the wheel of a speeding car, unable to brake but miraculously avoiding a collision. At least 'til I wake up. I wonder what Dr. Freud would make of that? LOL.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

My wife gets angry with me about the way I behave in her dreams.

As for dreams of being naked in public ... I have them all the time, then wake up in the library, in the shops, directing traffic ... even Blogging about them!!!

Keep smiling and God bless.