Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A good time


Pic of the day;


 For today…

We had a great time, I was nervous, but I did finally hit my stride and enjoyed the time.  No video, sorry.  We old folk don’t exactly know how to do that stuff. LOL

I started my session with how I think we men have pushed too much of our responsibilities about home and church on the ladies.  Our SS teachers are mostly women. As a matter of fact the seniors activities are directed by women.  I was asked to speak here today, by a sweet lady.  If money is to be raised, the women do it.  Most churches are paid for by the efforts of the ladies.  Most, if not all, are NEVER paid.

I wove that into our homes and what the Mothers mean to a home. I said, “I had a great daddy, but I know that my mama raised me.”

I ended with the poem by Foss The House by the side of the Road and the one “It takes a heap O Living In a House to make a Home” by Edgar Guest.

Picture for today is above.

Everyone seemed to have a good time.  Thanks for stopping by.

Nite Shipslog


LOL  Thanks for all the comments, love you guys.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Past and present

Pic of the day;


Many Years Ago in Key West Florida, Hook a Book week I think..

 For today…

For many years Sherry and I entertained kids and church groups.  I always felt good using ‘magic’, puppets, and chalk drawings. We did youth camps in North Carolina, NY, and Canada.

My favorite was Vacation Bible Schools.  It was rewarding to meet middle aged men and women who remembered us. I once wrote a small booklet called ‘Don’t Twist…. The truth’,  that was during a time the Twist dance was big. A few years ago a young lady came up to me and asked if I still had a copy, I told her no, I wish I had.  She gave me one she has saved for over 20 years. Sure made me smile.

This was brought up by our ‘Seniors Director’ at church.  She asked me to do a program when I was in the area.  So Tuesday it is. No problem I thought.

My materials are Packed in the basement. I have two huge equipment cases.  I went down earlier, I cannot even lift them now, OUCH!

I had created a monster. Lighting, switches, remote relays, two professional easels, and a ton of paper and chalk.  I designed this mess, I looked down at it and thought, I can’t even set it up and I used to do it every night for weeks.  LOL

I won’t use the lighting, black light and fluorescent chalk. I located my old wooden easel, it is light.  I will pre draw most of the picture I am going to use that will save carrying a few things.  Sherry won’t have to worry about handling lighting, so she can relax.

I am going to do a story surrounding the poem “The House by the side of the Road” by Sam Walter Foss, it is a standby of mine and seniors always like it.  Honestly, I enjoy it myself.

I must use my troubling shoulder and arm, but having less to move around, all should go well. It has been many years since I stood before an audience. Prayers and good thoughts will help.  

Nite Shipslog


LOL  Thanks for all the comments, love you guys.



Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mind over matter

Pic of the day;


Vernon and the love of his life Janet.  Sadly she is now in Hospice care and headed for that reunion with the Old Soldier.

 For today…

It is hard to think there were homes different than mine.  My mama and dad cared for us and NEVER treated us kids mean.  Even spankings and switchings were ended with hugs.

I have said my mama was a GREAT cook.  I mean it, but one in the military I mentioned the mess hall chow was nothing like my mama’s. The mate beside me said, “Oh l know what you mean, this stuff is great my mama could burn water.”  We talked and he was serious.  TRUE!

I read of an obit that stated basically, “MY mom was mean, we are all glad she had left the planet.”

Now along that line, I have mentioned I have a great doctor, and I just saw his substitute because he was out of town. My friends, doctors are no different than any engineering degreed person. There are Doctors who are tops in their class, dedicated to serving humanity. Then there are the ones who pay and bluff their way thru classes. They are the partiers just like in any school.

And then there is the student who just barely passes the written stuff, but has the insight and common sense to be the better doctor than them all.

I often say about doctors, you do not know it, but some of these physicians were last in their class.  LOL

Now, about that power of suggestion. The fact my Dr. said I am anemic. ;-O …My BIL Vernon, a retired combat proven vet.  A Green Beret, Tough as shoe leather and survived two or three tours in Nam.  Once during a Dr. appointment, His ignorant doctor suggested he was probably in the early stages of Alzheimer's. He came home sat down and waited for a couple years.  He said, “I have it, I just don’t want to turn mean, I have seen too many who do.”

We visited him many times and I never saw a sign of Alzhiemers.  He finally passed due to live and kidney problems.

Now since my Dr. said I am anemic, I have felt tired, dizzy, uncomfortable.  LOL  I guess we all are subject to the power of suggestion.

Anyway. Sorry to waste your time.  BUT I wanted to thank you all for the suggestions and personal histories.  I am not too concerned.  I am still working, petting my shoulder, but staying busy.

A fer years ago we had a big tree fall near our picnic area. I did not want to move it, wo I trimmed the limbs and cut a dragon’s head on the main trunk. The grand kids have enjoyed it.  I just cut the dude’s head off and designed another. I am keeping both. I hope to figure how to put pictures on this blog. (I am forgetting a lot; so I am crazy and anemic LOL)

Thanks for reading, I appreciate you all.


Nite Shipslog

PS  Sorry for the length. I will cut back.

LOL  Thanks for all the comments, love you guys.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

My time, I was second

  My time, I was second

Pic of the day;

I am feeling like this old man after seeing a doctor whose great grandpa I could be!

 For today…

Yesterday was my time to see the doctor. I was disappointed, my doctor was traveling, so I met with his substitute.  She did not have BAD news, but neither did she have GOOD news. 

For the first time I saw a Dr. who was not proud of my blood work.  She asked if I had any complaints and I mentioned I am noticing cold temps now; before my Covid, loss of weight experience I could always stand cold weather with no complaint. She wasn’t very clear about the situation but said it like I should know, “Well sir, you are anemic, and with a low red blood count that feeling cold is common.”

“I AM ENIMIC?” I asked.

She went on to say my Red blood count is low and she was prescribing Iron and Vitamin C.

I have always pictured an anemic person as no energy, and sickly.  She said I will tire easily because I do not have enough Reds to carry the oxygen to my lungs and body parts where needed.

I sorta informed the young lady that I am probably the most energetic OLD man she has ever known.  I do not stop working much.

NOW FUNNY THING!!  TODAY, I HAVE WORKED GATHERING LIMBS, breaking AND BURNING THEM, it is only 3 PM and I am tired.  LOL  MEthinks it is the power of suggestion.  ;-)

A lady at church suggested I eat  beef liver (I love liver and onions!!), she said it helped her be less anemic.  Now that I think of it, I must like pork liver because at our home that would be what we had from ‘hog killing’ time. At least I hope hog liver is even better for my problem than beef.

I would rather eat food to help me but I will take the meds she has prescribed.

Are you or have you  been Anemic?

Nite Shipslog


Things must not be bad, she said I could talk it over with my Doctor NEXT YEAR,.  I have an appt On Sept 2025!

LOL  Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate the concern and any suggestions...love you guys.