It is funny when I look back on things. there were times I just wanted to get away FOREVER. But once away, a few days, a week I was ready to dive back in. I think that is human preservation.
Now things are different. As you age, you really have to realize you cannot do all you used to do. That is very hard. EXAMPLES are apparent to men who have followed boxing. We have had famous boxers, who THOUGHT they were still able to tackle a 30 yr old fighter at 43-49, it doesn’t happen. The fighter makes a fool of himself.
There is a Bible story concerning Sampson. After he lost his strength, he said, “I will shake my self and before and destroy these men. It didn’t happen.
Once you get past your prime, it stresses you out to find you cannot do the things you once could do. That is when you must mature; you face facts. If you are gonna continue DOING, you must do those things you know you can do. I am at that stage now, and you talk about confusing, it is confusing.
This last week I have been doing something that is not stressful. I am repairing the furniture that was ‘ruined’ in our storage trailer. I started with the mirror and frame on the dresser. My thoughts were, if I can fix the mirror & frame, I can do the rest. I did it. Now the chest of drawers and the dresser itself is almost finished. No stress. I has even been fun.
The funny thing is, if I was getting paid, I would have to be charging $1 an hour at the speed I am going.
Thanks for coming by the log.
Nite Shipslog
Life is not always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it is a crisp green apple with salt.
Here is a Packard, 1953 with a continental kit. (the spare tire on the rear in a sweet case) That was a rage in the 1950’s.
Boy, can I relate. I am constantly getting myself in trouble and suffering for it later. Today, my life is a Crisp Green Apple with Salt....drats, double drats! And I wonder, when will I learn to chill?
Have a fun day restoring. It's been a long time since I've made something old, new again. Thanks for the inspiration dear friend.
Taking your time to repair the furniture I bet was fun because you got to work with your hands at your speed and accomplish something that needed to be done, almost like a hobby without any time constraints, so I bet you felt good when it was done!
Too true about having to slow down and be realistic about what we can do and what we can't do as we age. Our bodies are slowing down and we have to be respectful of them and try not to push them too much (otherwise we do pay for it, LOL, with sore muscles and whatnot :)
enjoy Tuesday!
Life in the slow lane for me is doing things much slower than I used to. I cannot do everything I used to and what I can do takes a lot longer for sure. So good you have some things there to keep you busy and that you can do too! I'm watching one of my two year old grandsons today. It seems it's something I can do too.
Its warmer but raining here this morning.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
Quite often I feel that way! I love that car!!!
Funny. My girlfriend turned sixty yesterday and we were talking about how unwise it is not to plan for our slowdown during our older years. Puttering is such a pleasure when there are no time constraints.
A dollar an hour..well, not being paid, but still enjoying it, is priceless.
I am too aware of my desire to live in isolation, but since I know on an intellectual level it would not be good for me in most ways, I just selectively ignore many, many things about civilization. ~Mary
Never had an apple with salt. Sounds interesting though ;)
Yes. Certainly an entry I can relate to. Had to find some peace while taking pictures of flowers today. Something I missed indeed.
Please have you all a good Wednesday.
I have to say and he knows it - my husband is always in a hurry and he doesn't know why. I wish he could slow down and have more fun. Any tips?
hee hee...
You KNEW «Louis» would be happy to see a Packard!
One of 750 '53 Caribbeans built. This one has a '54-'55 Packard script added on the rear fender.
Worked in the yard all day and will
pay tomorrow. I am to tired to write anything.
Love the cute car.
I was hoping you would post a picture of the refurbished furniture. You are so talented.
So, what's the rush? It is more enjoyable to complete a project at your leisure and enjoy it later.
Hugs to my favorite couple!
stressed ~ desserts spelled backwards ~ my downfall. You've been in my house, you've seen the antique furniture, that's my way of de-stressing. Or I should say it used to be, I haven't refinished anything in a long time. But I sure did enjoy doing it when I put my heart and soul into it. My other de-stresser ~ blogging or reading others problems and issues going on in their lives; makes my life seem pretty dull and boring and not too stressful at times :) I learned a long time ago to take each day at a time for what it's worth and don't sweat the small stuff.
Love and Hugs to You and Yours ~mel
Having fun is what it is all about. Glad you are doing well.
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