Saturday, March 18, 2017

Another good day

Today was friend Don’s Birthday. We were invited over to Melbourne by his Niece Cindy so we hitched a ride with Don and Evelyn.  It was a pleasant day, the food was great and the company excellent. A couple of the folks there we had not met.

Cindy’s Husband Walt, is a retired military guy, the son of a military man. We talked and the subject of long standing friends  came up. He mentioned and I agreed, that moving around as he and I had all our lives the one thing you seldom have is close lifelong friends.

At the time I thought of Sherry, Don and Evelyn at the table who had known each other most of their lives. They lived in the same town and attended the same schools until their adult years. Doing that you do have some ROOTS.

I am fortunate to have two friends I have known since my teen years, but we do not live close. Thinking of that I am looking forward to seeing one of them (Richard aka Buddy) on this stay at Wildwood.

But about the day I did meet some new folk, everyone was friendly and good natured. I even enjoyed the dogs and cats who were also entertaining and mannerly.

Today I did not drive, Don did. It was a good trip. We are tired, but happy campers!

Nite Shipslog
 Funny thing, Evelyn called a few minutes ago and we walked  out behind the motor home to see a rocket go out of sight carrying a satellite. It was launched a few miles where we enjoyed the great Birthday dinner  a  few hours ago. That is  100 miles away.

 1937 Packard was born the year Don was. I will not say how old Don is, but that Packard is 80 years old.


Mevely317 said...

Your and Sherry's roots run deep and strong! To have Real and Loyal Friends like yours is a priceless gift ... and I bet they'd say the same about y'all.

Ya, the sight of launches from the Cape never failed to fill me with awe. And pride. It's a wonder I never wrecked my car on U.S. 19 for gazing at the eastern sky instead of the road ahead. LOL!

betty said...

So neat with the "old" friends you have. I have drifted away from so many over the years, so it is neat to read of others that have friendships that have endured years!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A day with friends is definitely a good day! The rocket was a bonus! Hope you both enjoy a happy Sunday!

Dar said...

Awww, fond memories with fond friends...I agree...a priceless gift.
Love that you are close enough to be in awe of the launches. It's amazing. We also had a great day. First, church with family and then visiting with more family. These gifts are also priceless. I do love the Packard. What a gem.
Hugs from our home to yours. It was too cold today for the sap to run so no gathering yet. We do, however, hope to be cooking our first batch of maple sap into liquid gold, maple syrup, by midweek to the weekend. Pray for warm days and cold nights.

Lisa said...

I see more good days comming your way wih more old and new friends along the way.
And wow, no better way to finish the day but by watching a rocket!

Good nite

Paula said...

It's always nice to have someone do the driving while you relax and gaze. Sure miss when John could drive.