Saturday, December 23, 2023

Regrets, I have a few

 Photo of the day


I moved this family into a converted Chicken house. LOL

So for today:

I remember the good things of life, BUT I also remember Misguided thoughts. You and I cannot fix others’ problems but ME? I VERY seldom advise, but I do THINK!  “No dude you should not do THAT!”

Since I am such a cheapskate, many of my thoughts are in wonder of how someone can afford ALL the big people’s toys I see today. Even folks skating close to bankruptcy, I see: Big Boats, ski doos, new cars (even two new cars), Mudders (trucks and utility), expensive guns (just to have, not for hunting), etc.

I once despised that felon in the news. I think different now; NOW I think first of the families, the mothers and dads of that…..  Murderer, kidnapper, drug king, bank robber or the scam artist who is caught.

In my own family a brother and sweet SIL, had three sons. All with great personalities. They exceeded in school, in academics and sports. Two were successful one spent most of his life in prison, due to drugs.

 I do not remember thinking how hard it was on them to visit a son in prison and especially on ‘Thanksgiving and Christmas..’ I never expressed my sympathy nor tried to understand their hurt.  That family is gone now, but now I know a little more than I did when they were alive.

I regret being so busy I never once visited Bub in prison. Thank God before dying he was out of prison, and trying to make up for some of the hurt.

I KNOW very well we cannot solve other’s problems, but a little love and understanding will be my part in the last few years of my life.

I will be absent a couple of days. We are headed to visit a family member unable to join us for Christmas


Nite Shipslog

PS !: PS:. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again….


Mevely317 said...

Thinking of all y'all this morning, Jack. I hope you'll take comfort in memories of happier times ... and keep looking forward.
Love from 'Bama!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Christmas Eve to my favorite couple ! I hope you enjoy the visit with your friend. We never know when we might be in the same shoes as another so it's best to see them while you can. Hope you have a Merry Christmas Day !


Your reflections are filled with wisdom and empathy. Life is indeed complex, and your acknowledgment of the struggles and challenges that others face, as well as your commitment to understanding and expressing love, is admirable. Your willingness to learn and grow, even in the face of past regrets, is a testament to the depth of your character.

I appreciate your honesty and your intention to bring more love and understanding into the world, especially during times when it's needed the most. Wishing you meaningful and heartfelt moments during your holiday visits with family. Safe travels, and may your time together be filled with love, compassion, and connection.

happyone said...

If we didn't have any regrets we would have gone through life without learning anything.
Everyone has a story and so we should be kind to all.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for you and your family, Jack and Sherry. Trust in God.

God bless always.

Lisa said...

I think every family has “that one”. I can only imagine how hard it would be to have a son or daughter in prison but then again, you know where they are and that they are somewhat safer. Sometimes God will put people in a quiet place like that so the only thing they can focus on is him.

Merry Christmas !

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Sheila Y said...

Sending love and hugs! ❤️ Sheila