Wednesday, December 27, 2023

How fast I became dependent!

 Photo of the day


The Three Harris Girls, Lennie, Sherry and Colette. They were all great sisters and mothers. Their kids the cousins all got along well.  We miss Lennie and Colette. My BILs thought they got the best looking sister, but I KNEW mine was the best looking.....

Above with their mother.  They were close to their mama.  I read how close Lisa, who comments here, is to her daughter, it reminds me of Sherry & her mama.

So for today:

I had a short errand to run today.  I jumped in the car (maybe I didn’t jump in since I will be 85 next month) and headed to town. I passed a quick stop and thought, I will stop and get a lottery ticket on the way back, just for the fun of it. I drove on up the road, then I thought as I was driving 5mph over the speed limit, I don’t have my wallet.  Why didn’t I think of that when I thought of the lottery ticket? I automatically slowed down to the speed limit; I couldn’t show my license if I got stopped.

Oops, then I saw some trash on the road, the results of a wreck and I thought, ‘hey I didn’t bring a cell phone I drive good, but the other guy just might not be paying attention and I couldn’t even let Sherry know I had a bump up.’

I finished the errand and as usual had no problems. I got to thinking I can’t remember when I have had to show my license nor remember when something serious has happened and I NEEDED a cell phone.

The cell phone, I call it a leash!  I seldom talk on the phone of course, but I am getting dependent on texting.  I do use voice to text (‘verbal’ texting), but I am dependent.

I did laugh at myself this past weekend. We were in a motel room with a HUGE TV and never once in the evening did we turn it on.  I turned it on for the fun of it the next morning and laughed as I clicked thru a million (ok, a lot) of channels and did not find a thing I wanted to see. I have become dependent on the NET for my news and info.

Yep, how easily I eased into dependence…

 Nite Shipslog


PS:. Thanks for reading the Shipslog, hope to see you again. I think I have started to depend on you guys to keep me sane..


Susan Kane said...

Your life is always interesting. Not turning on the TV? My husband would have an anxiety attack without the TV, esp. in the hotel. I hope you and Sherry had a great Christmas. And Happy New Year.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Best wishes and prayers to you and Sherry and family. Take care my friends.

God bless you now and always.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I know I'm dependent on my cell phone. I use it to tell the time, or check the weather, the news, and everything in between. But a drivers license is only necessary when I vote.It is my ID.You and I are codependents I would think. Next to the phone, comes my computer. I detest it when the internet doesn't work, but when it does I take advantage of it to check on you!

happyone said...

I'm not on the phone much but I do like to have it with me just in case. :)

Mevely317 said...

Yep, Tom says the same thing (leash!) about his phone. Me, I find it hard, if not impossible to remember the years I went here-there-everywhere without as much as a CB radio. No worries. Nowadays, I've been known to turn around on Chapman Road to come back and retrieve it -- even tho' I'm only travelling 2 miles down the street to Bible study.

Even in my new car -- when I go to turn off the ignition the dash's information station pops up, "Don't forget your cell phone." How does it know I even HAVE a cell phone? (lol)

Mevely317 said...

PS - I miss those shirtwaist dresses like Sherry's wearing in the second photo.

Sheila Y said...

How did we ever survive before cell phones? ;-) Hope you are better and that both of you have a Happy New Year! Love and hugs, Sheila