Friday, December 15, 2023

Still in the Funk, but getting better, I think

  Photo of the day

Ater hearing of trees large enough to drive a car thru, Sherry always wanted to do that.  she finally got to on our trip around the USA in '98. That is one huge tree and still alive.

So for today:

WE furnished a meal for the family.   I was hesitant to attend, still have the rough throat, runny nose and just not in the best of shape.  We kept our distance as much as possible.  Since it was just next door so to speak.  we wanted to try to get there and see the family.

We are some better for sure, but still cannot get out much.  We have a good friend getting married in south Florida soon but we will not be able to make that.  She is a sweetheart and was a big part of our lives when we were in Missouri.  She smiles when talking about baby sitting the boys,  Funny that, She and the boys are now on SS or eligible for it.

Above is some kids in Missouri, That is Glenda holding Jack Jr.

She is from a big family and we have so many memories of those younger years.

Hoping to feel BETTER SOONER!

Oh I meant to mention The funeral was well attended, we had to park over a block away. The funeral was standing room only, speaking WELL for Brother Wayne. We did get to use one of the over flow rooms with less people and view all on the huge TV.

Nite Shipslog

PS !: PS:. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again….


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sounds like the winter blues got to you even though you are in Florida, Many get that in in Ohio for sure. Due to the lack of sunshine! So glad you are feeling better !

salemslot9 said...

Get well soon Jack 🤧

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Probably smart to lay low and not go out much. Take care!

Mevely317 said...

I'm happy to see you back 'in print' -- not so much (that) y'all are still feeling effects of that bug.
That's pretty wise to keep laying low(er) until it passes. We never know what other germs people are carrying as they go about mingling and trying to put on a jolly face.

happyone said...

Cool driving through the tree!! Amazingly huge trees.
Sure hope you're feeling well again real soon.

Susie said...

Praying for you and Sherry to get 100% well. I loved Sherry driving thru a tree picture so fun. I am glad Wayne had a nice gathering . When my mother passed away, a friend of mine from my work... said the line going out the door was two blocks long. She asked if our mother knew everyone in town. I told my friend, well there's 11 of us kids, so plenty of people knew one or more of us if they didn't know mom. I know mom would have be amazed. Bless her heart. Get plenty of hydration to help with healing. Stay strong buddy, blessings, xoxo, Susie

Lisa said...

There is a crud going around here too. Seems like everyone at work has it. Me and Nick have managed to avoid it so far.

Get well prayers are going out for you and Sherry.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for you, hope you get better soon for Christmas.

God bless.

yaya said...

I hope you and Sherry get well soon. This time of year it's so hard to celebrate when it's flu and cold season and not to mention old Covid is still around. I think we should have Christmas in July instead! Oh well, Santa will visit you both if you've been good. If not, enjoy that coal! Ha! Merry Christmas from Ohio!