Thursday, May 30, 2024

WHY we stayed at Bear Cave Campground?

  A picture from the Past.

 When we met President Johnson...

OF COURSE WE MET AT THE DC WAX MUSEUM HE NEVER MOVED! He was very cool and very stiff, as all wax presidents are.(LOL)

For Today:

We were always leery of ‘RV clubs and condo agreements’. I have heard so many horror stories of trying to get out of a ‘lifetime’ agreement.  Our friends Don & Evelyn are members of a camping club and were/are very happy with it.  I looked into their group online and found a lady selling a membership, she was from Kentucky.

Instead of doing it online, we found the home office and went there. When I told the secretary we wanted to purchase Mrs. Jones membership, she said something that should have raised a red flag, she said, “Great, she has been trying to get rid of that for years now!”

Anyway we bought in and have enjoyed MORE than we actually paid for.  Our membership cost about $750 total, with low yearly rates.  Mrs. Jones had paid thousands of $ for it.

Bear Cave is one of the membership parks, and Elkhart is just down the road, so this was ideal for us.  If we were to pay for our time here it would cost more than our yearly dues! So, we still cannot complain, too much.

It is getting tough to make reservations at our membership parks due to other programs that Thousand Trails initiated to make money.  That is what they are in business for, to make money. LOL

This membership is a lifetime agreement.  We MUST (they say) pay the yearly dues even if we do not use any of the parks.  I keep thinking when we decide to quit this life, we can surely GIVE this membership away.  LOL  But then again,  maybe that is what Condo agreement folks say. LOL

Have you ever had a membership or agreement, you could not get out of?


PS:  Once again ‘Thanks’ AGAIN to y’all for stopping by the Shipslog..  Life is getting better here and we really never did meet LBJ. ;-)


HappyK said...

No, we have always stayed away from memberships.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I remember they tried to sell me a "time-share" agreement for an apartment abroad near the sea. You buy "two weeks" a year for life when you can go there on holiday. I did not buy it because it was too far away from where I lived.

Why are holidays abroad too far away?

God bless.

NanaDiana said...

We have a timeshare on an oceanfront cottage in FL that we have been unable to use for the last couple of years. It's annoying. We can trade it out for other things but with hubby's health issues we haven't been able to travel at all.
I hope you and your sweetie are both doing well. Hugs- Diana

Mevely317 said...

What a fun photo shoot with LBJ!
I think y'all are so fortunate with the 'club' experience. Definitely in the minority. Although I worked 15 years for the hotel side at the resort, I was privy to all the UNhappy time share people. Particularly at the yearly owners' meeting when my boss had to justify yearly dues' increases.

Some food for thought. One of the Wyndham's executives owned up to an owner's question: "What happens if we just quit paying our dues?" He answered, "Unfortunately, nothing." Meaning, Wyndham could not sue the owner; nor ruin their credit report. I don't know if this is true for all 'clubs', but it might bear checking out.


Chatty Crone said...

I wonder if you could try Mevely's idea. Or cancel the credit card the membership is on???
We bought into a vacation deal once and the minute we left we knew we did wrong - so we went back and canceled.
Good luck, sandie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've never bought into any memberships. So, sorry I've no advise to give on that one. We only traveled in Ohio and stayed in a lot of nice State Parks. When found a nice park we liked and parked our campers there permanently. We were tired of traveling and like the place very much. Of course we had to pay to stay there. We stayed 5 or 6 years. Then due to my families other obligations we had to quit, But I miss it every day!

Susie said...

Jack, I wish I had known you and Sherry were at Bear Cave. I went with my daughter and her husband to South Bend to the Four Winds casino, yesterday. My daughter asked me along for a surprise. As I was playing a slot, a man sat down next to me. I glanced and lightening quick thought, that looks like my I looked and he smiled right at me and it was my brother's son , Miles Jr. I wish I could have invited you and Sherry to join us. We went right to lunch and had a wonderful visit. I did mention that you had been in many branches of service. Miles like his father , had been a marine too. Thinking of Sherry and you. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Glenda Hulbert said...

JacSher, the only "membership" that I was involved with was the YPE when Jack Darnell pastored the Church in Moberly, unless you'd count my "Membership" in the Conrad Family ha ha! Love y'all, Glenda

yaya said...

The only membership I've had has been Sam's Club! Not sure why I pay to buy stuff but it's been OK. I'm glad yours has worked out. I'll be driving by there next week on my way to Chicago for a graduation party. I really don't like the drive but after doing it for 50yrs you'd think I was used to it! Have a good weekend!

Susan Kane said...

My in=laws bought time shares, not just one either. After they died, there was the struggle on what to do. So, we are cautious about good deals.

Lisa said...

It’s hard to get in campgrounds now day anyways. So many people have opt to camping.
