Today Grand daughter Sherece stopped by with our Great Grand Daughter Stella Dawn. For obvious reasons the song about Delta Dawn come to mind.
(this girl loves this, sorta of a dare devil)
Sherry prepared her delicious fish stew for tonight and invited Reece and Stella over. Stella ‘ain’t about’ to try the stew but Reece liked it. Paw
Paw Mark was here also. The opening picture was Stella catching rain drops on her tongue. Paw Paw Mark was showing her how.
I noticed this entry posted early. i did not correct the error because sometimes that cause more trouble than leaving it. So I am leaving it. I was planning to sort thepictures thru out the entry, but somehow I blew it. I know you understand, I use my age for the thing responsible for the error.
She had a good time and she actually was the first to christen our new commode; she was the first to use it. This girl has to use the bathroom a lot in the motor home she likes the little commode and using her foot to flush it. It is fun to her. So now she has enjoyed the Storage building commode. Sherece had her a a little ladder to use. (No I did not get a picture,
Funny isn’t it. As we grow older we learn there are more than one ‘the most beautiful Grand child.” They are all beautiful in their way. For you that do not know, Sherry and I have a Home Port in Belmont, NC. There is a nice house here and it has been rented to our Son Mark, for a couple years and the rent has ALWAYS been paid.
(One of the pictures show Stella and I sitting on a stack of lumber taking a break.)
Lately Mark has bought a home in Palm Bay, Florida and is moving. Sherece plans to rent it now, for her and Stella. In the transmission time I am fixing an efficiency pad, in case we want to drive back home without the motor home. We do not like moving in with anyone. It will be available for Mark also when he decides to visit.
Priority will be given to Grandson Luke if he wants to stay here while finishing college. If he decides, it will be one of those things, “CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS APPLY; so he may not want to. I have this theory, you should have fun in college, but most of all you need to make good grades and study. I have heard thru family grape vines that he thinks the place is too small.
I understand his reluctance, he will be literally in our front door and we will be using the washer and dryer in this little efficiency. That just might be TOO close to Grandpa and GRandma, who are of course a little old fashioned.
Back to work…
Nite Shipslog
Things are sometimes frustrating in families as they grow.
The Model T was another of the most desired auto’s of its time.
You two are the best parents and grandparents! I love the values that you have and that you share with your family.
Love you and Sherry!
Stella is precious as can be. The efficiency sounds like a good investment for the future.
Stella sure has grown, but I guess they continue to do that! She's darling! Glad you had an enjoyable visit and that the house will continue to remain rented in the family!
Stella is such a dolly and her grandpa looks like a kid around her. Precious moments together that she will surely remember for all time.
You certainly have done a lick of work in a short time in tight places. Bill feels the same as you after working in adverse conditions...all re-tired out!
You're doing an awesome job, young man. Hugs all around.
Love you guys and gals, looking so wonderful. Miss you from up north where the sun does shine and the gardens are popping up all over.
Sounds great. Had a wonderful time with them!
Having that sweet child as your new next door neighbor will be a joy for sure. It will be nice for you and your son to have that little efficiency pad available and for your grandson should he decide to use it. I'm of the old fashioned generation too . So I do understand when you are coming from.
Nice pictures of the family.
An efficiency is a handy thing to have.
Stella is a darling catching the raindrops on her tongue. Seems you have everything all planned out, so that's good for who ever needs the apartment.
Glad to see Stella..we have got
to get her music lessons back on
Young people have no idea what is ahead. Better not express what I think about young people. Time to get out on their own. Life is good.
Your Stella grows more precious every day! What a fun companion to keep you and Sherry on your toes. (LOL)
I, too, think the efficiency is a nice, fail-safe option. Spontaneity may be good for some, but I'm too chicken!
Love the pic of Stella, priceless...
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