Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How about weather?

  Car of the day:

 Yep you can absolutely put too many mirrors and lights on a car!!!   LOL

So for today:

We all KNOW no matter what the weatherman and forecasters say, we have no choice than accept what comes, and dress accordingly.

I read Joy’s blog about cold weather. I was thinking about the coldest weather we have experienced. While in the USAF we were in balmy Biloxi, MS and received orders to Northern Missouri. We left 70-80 degree weather and arrived to find 13 below zero, the coldest either of us had ever felt.. 

I laugh to remember the Walkers. We moved in beside them in Downing Trailer Park, Kirksville, MO. Down South in NC to protect our pipes from freezing we wrapped them in old newspaper and taped them in place. I was setting up our trailer when Mr. Walker left their trailer wrapped up in a big winter coat. He introduced himself and said, “You do know you need a heat tape, don’t you?”  I replied yes.

Later when returning from the store he saw me still working to wrap the pipes. He smiled and said, “You don’t know what a heat tape is, do you?”

I answered sheepishly, “No sir I don’t.”  He explained; so I went down town to the hardware and bought what I needed.

A few weeks later Sherry called me at the base, “The trailer moved!”  I went home to learn, from Mr. Walker of course, that the ground had thawed and allowed the trailer to settle. Since I had leveled the trailer on frozen ground, I would now have to do it again.

I remember seeing buildings leaning that were built on frozen ground in Canada’s Yukon. LOL


The most consistent weather we experienced was in GITMO Bay Cuba, every day was beautiful with a nice breeze. When it rained, it was gone soon with the sun coming out to smile at us.

Above at the beach in Gitmo below the boys on an average day

Jack Jr, a friend, and Mark.  These could be any day of the year..

Key West was great also, but not at consistent as GITMO. Florida weather can turn cool but very seldom COLD.

I was shocked in Southern Arizona to see snow at Fort Huachuca and the Chiricahua Monument.


We have wintered in Florida many years now. Weather never has had a great effect on me.  BUT it is beginning to.  How do you like the weather where you are?


Nite Shipslog

PS: We always appreciate you taking the time to stop by for a visit.


NanaDiana said...

Well, I love summer and fall in Wisconsin but I really don't like winter at all. I don't like the cold, the snow or the ice. I am not crazy about most of spring because it is so unpredictable. We have had snow on May 1st!
Love your stories and your pictures, Jack. Hugs- Diana

Unknown said...

Cute picture of your two boys and their friend. Our weather here is still warm but we are getting ready for a nice cool down. I love the cooler weather (not a fan of the heat) and am so ready for it. It is Fall after all.

yaya said...

I love your family photos of days gone cute! I grew up in Chicago and the winters could be pretty hard. After moving to Ohio the weather was similar. I enjoy it here. I'm not a huge fan of hot and humid but the summers aren't horrible here plus we have AC so all's good! Winter can make me grumble when it's dark early and late. Fall is my fav! But no matter where we hang our hat home is about those we share it with. My Dad used to say that a house is just a building until it's filled with family then it's a home. Take care Jack in your neck of the woods!

Mevely317 said...

When we cruised to Alaska I expected it to be incredibly cold -- but not so much. I think the humidity has lots to do with how I interpret hot or cold -- for instance, growing up in NM, even with snow everywhere I don't recall feeling all that uncomfortable. One of the worst moments actually occurred in Auburn, Alabama -- I didn't think I'd ever get warm again.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

We had the coolest fall and summer we've had in a long time. I don't like it much but like you say we take what we get and dress accordingly. Inside it is cozy and warm. And I stay inside most of the winter. Glad you get to go south. I'm hoping that someday I will be able to do that too. Enjoy the nice wezther. It's always like summer there.