Sunday, September 17, 2023

Just thoughts and old family friends

  Car of the day:

 Old cars are like old friends, I get good feelings when I see one.

This big old Pontiac would just about be considered a tank now.LOL

So for today:

I would wager that all of us have old friends we plan to contact and get together but don’t seem to find or make the time.  Well I suggested my girl call Violet and set up a dinner time we could meet with her and Bobby. Well bless my sweetheart’s heart, She DID!

We met and had dinner then in the parking lot we talked for at least an hour. WOW what fun and recalling past times of our families.  I am sort of an outsider these three have known each other most of their lives. I met them in 1954. They were kids. After I joined the USMC Dad performed the marriage ceremony for them. The odd thing about it is I have heard Bobby’s daddy’s name all my life but never met any of the family until the mid 1950s.

Joe F., Bobby’s dad and mine were friends in the 30s and early 40s. Bobby wasn’t born then and I was there until 1 yr old.  Joe’s family was VERY ACTIVE in the first church my dad organized and built.  It is still a large church having its own school. Once the church was up and running in the hundreds in attendance, Dad felt led to take and pastor a struggling small church so he gave up the new church and we moved.

Talking to Bobby I learned his Grandson is now the pastor of that large church. WE had a ball. Recalling stories our dads talked about, houses and cars they had worked on in their early lives. Sherry & Violet are nearly kin having the same first cousins, thru marriages but not kin themselves.


Just two old couples remembering the past (when they could) LOL

Just as dad would relate experiences with Joe; Joe was doing the same about him.  YES, we had a very good evening and plan to not let this be the last time.  We will get back with them when we return in the spring.

It was such a breath of fresh air to just talk and reminisce.

You might want to call an old friend, get together.  Our lives are better for it. I will not promise a super time, but it is very possible.  I am recalling at least one time Myra mentioned getting with an old friend.


Nite Shipslog

PS: Thanks for stopping by. I really do appreciate your time.. Makes us feel good to know you were here,….



Victor S E Moubarak said...

Ha ... what a coincidence. I just wrote on my Blog about old friends from school.

It's good to have friends, as long as they don't borrow your lawnmower or tools .... where's my ladder? I need it to clean the gutters. Who borrowed it last? Have you got it Jack?

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

I'm so happy y'all reconnected ... and best of all, had a GOOD time.

Ya, while I'm happy to have reconnected with a couple ladies from days of Yore (*grin*) I think we each realized we had little, if anything, in common anymore. (Not to mention, we're geographically incompatible!)
For some reason this reminds me of an old song we learned in Brownies/Girl Scouts: "Make good friends, but keep the old. Some are silver, but the others gold."

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I meet with some old friends at least once a month for lunch. They are all people that were in my graduation class. We have a reunion every 5 years or so and then meet for lunch in between.! We have a lot of good memories to share and always have a good time too. Nice to meet up wutg kid friends/1

Woody said...

I love seeing some Old Classmates, I like the yearly Alumni Banquets ! We have one coming up this weekend ! Hope you 2 are "Shipshape" !! Sending down Love and Prayers ! Gary and Anna Mae !

yaya said...

I meet up with high school friends every so often when I go home to Chicago. It's fun to meet with people who knew you when you weren't as wise as you are now but a lot more mobile and good looking than now! Ha! Glad you took that precious time. You have a very smart gal!