Tuesday, September 5, 2023

My Doctor was out, but…

  Car of the Day

 '34 Ford and below is a customized '49 Ford, I would love to be driving either one than seeing a Doctor.


So for today:

WE made the short trip to the hospital. We were early and the time dragged…….

A little after my appt time I was called.  Sherry went with me. My Dr. was not available, so I saw a substitute. She was nice and went over my lab blood reports. Everything was beautiful except the Hemoglobin was a little low. She gave me a good bill of health. 

She asked did I have any other concerns. I said no, my sweetheart said, ‘he did find a lump in his breast this morning.’  The doctor looked at me, questioning.

I said I did feel a little sore in my left titty and there is a small lump! But that is for girls, isn’t it.

Now she gets serious, lift your shirt and let us see.

“In front of my wife?”

“Shucks, she has seen more than your chest!”

She felt around comparing my titties, and said yes, I feel it.  We will call you and schedule an ultra sound.


Suicides in VETS is terrible and on the rise and they are very concerned.  She asked a lot of questions including if I ever thought of harming myself and I said no.  She asked if I felt like harming anyone else?......  I paused… saying welllllll and looked at my dear wife, we all laughed.  Sherry told the Dr. She could handle me, that she had been doing it over 65 years now and things weren’t about to change.


Anyway, my concern about the my blood work was unnecessary, all is well. She said we should monitor the weight loss and if it holds steady and doesn’t dip again we will just keep an eye on it.

Nite Shipslog

PS:  Thanks for your time and thanks for the comments & prayers


Victor S E Moubarak said...

I am praying for you right now, Jack; for your good health and also all your family.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

Me, too! Love how y'all still keep your sense of humor, even when you're feeling anxious.

Weight loss? Here's what Tom's esteemed cardiologist had to say: "Forget the protein powder and just get a milkshake from McDonalds." (LOL!)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you mentioned the lump to the doctor. It's no laughing matter and me do get lumps too. They'll keep checking on you to make sure you are ok. Doctores are wonderful and I never miss an appointment with mine.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is to say men get lumps too and worth having checked out !

Sheila Y said...

Good news that your blood work was fine. Prayers that the ultrasound brings good news also. Take care, Sheila

yaya said...

Glad you informed the sub Doc about the lump. It's hard to help folks when the whole picture isn't shown. Yes, men get lumps. I've worked in surgery a long time and long enough to know that men get lumps too. Get it checked out. Better safe than sorry! Prayers for a good outcome!

Lisa said...

See Jack! I told ya the blood work would be ok. Now about that lump….I think it is just a cyst.
Note: Cancer aint sore but cyst are. So don’t worry.
