I believe this is the Monument to Audie Murphy, he was killed near the AT in Virginia.
If you have a minute, click below, you can see your Thanksgiving Pie being made!
Today's entry:
I honestly don’t care! It amazes me that folks want to know.
Why do we care what kind of chewing gum the president chews?
I truly don’t care if the president has a mongrel, or expensive breed, or a cat! Is it a requirement that the president have a dog? Is there a place for one on the cabinet?
It must be important and I don’t realize it, knowing where the President gets his suits and what he pays for them. He can afford it. He is wealthy.
I do have enough sense to know that he will pay more for his suits than I will. As a matter of fact, you could replace my entire wardrobe with what most politicians pay for one suit, believe me I really don’t care.
I am anxious to see how the economy is handled.
I want to know how local and international terrorism will be faced.
My concern is that all this money WE are spending for Banks, Auto makers, etc. (In a bail out) is somehow tied into a repayment plan when the economy gets well. Let ME KNOW that our tax money is not just paying for nice expensive parties, but it is going to return to the STATE treasury!!!
Maybe this trivial stuff is just a fill in. It is amazing with the terrible things happening in the world we want to know what color some actresses undies are? Or where President elect Obama gets his hair cut.
Of course I have always been odd, just can’t help it. Rubs me the wrong way to see folks complain about having a hard time with their finances, then go buy $90 sneakers, or a $40,000 SUV. Confuses the heck out of me when priorities are skewed to the ridiculous.
CLARIFICATION: I am glad people can dress well, I am glad they get their hair cut, I am even glad if they want a dog, but that is their business, it is personal and NONE of my business.
WE have a president, it is our business whether or not he represents our country’s best interest AND ITS citizens. It is no bodies business how many times he goes to the Toilet!
It is too bad that there are people who can actually make a living prying into some celebrity's personal life.
Nite Shipslog
On top of all my griping, Don tells me that a UAW member gets $71 an hour in detroit!
Can that be true? The exec. gets ungodly bonuses from a sinking co., that pays workers hi hourly wages to sell to folks who make $20 or less an hour. Go figure? I must have something wrong.
(old one) Mother Superior called all the nuns together and said to them, 'I must tell you all something. We have a case of gonorrhea in the convent.' 'Thank God,' said an elderly nun at the back. 'I'm so tired of chardonay. **************************************
(BAD ONE) Fifty-one years ago, Herman James, a North Carolina mountain man, was drafted by the Army. On his first day in basic training, the Army issued him a comb. That afternoon the Army barber sheared off all his hair. On his second day, the Army issued Herman a toothbrush. That afternoon the Army dentist yanked seven of his teeth. On the third day, the Army issued him a jock strap. The Army has been looking for Herman for 51 years.
You know its the same reason after all the serious stuff its nice to get a few laughs
I thought that was so funny that all of a sudden it was so important that the President elect have a dog even if his daughter has allergies.
Hey jack, good for ole herman to take off for parts unknown before his parts became unknown!
Autumn said to tell you" Tanks " she said to spell it just like that and she had a big grin on her face and said what a nice man!
I dont care either about all that nonsense. They have to focus on that because thats all they can focus on. and they dont want the rest of us thinking about the important issues. too late for that because as usual our jack has already got us thinking about the important stuff. the politicians know that if we had a brain we would be dangerous and a threat to them . So they want us to be stupid and placate us with the small stuff.lol
just my opinion but nobody ever listens to me. lol
I love the pie.I am so glad I can quite worring
about what the President is doing in his off time. I can take him shopping we have a nice consignment store here. He would love it. Then they would have something to write about. Live
like the rest us. I can take him by the pound to select a dog. They have beautiful loveable pets that need a good home. I think his no.
is BR 549.
I love the pie. I will quite worring about the
President. I could take him shopping we have
a nice consignment store here and he would love
it and give them something else to write about. I can take him by the pound to select
a nice lovable pet that needs a good home.
I guess I will give him a call at BR 549
Jack I cannot understand this it will say my
comments will not post I write another one and low there is my first one. OH WELL WHATEVER
that was a cute card! I got the book today Jack! I'm so excited! I'm going to finish my journal reading and then head off to start the book! I am going to put a check in the mail tomorrow so look for it next week sometime :)
its amazing what reporters find interesting to report isn't it?? and its amazing that some people want to know all this trivial information
have a good Thurday :)
Jack I love the Thanksgiving pie card. It would be nice if I could afford a suit that cost what the presidents pay for theirs. I could use the money for more important thing. Take care, jean
I don't think I can blame Herman for taking off...ha. I have finished the book I was reading, so now I can start on 'Sticky'. I have an Amazon account so I will leave a review when I'm done. Take care, Sheila
Love the pie...and i'm with you..
"I don't care"
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