Monday, April 8, 2024

Social life

1950 Ford Crestliner, this was on nice looking car.

 I will probably be away for a day or so.  We attended the funeral and several of the class members wanted to get together so that is Wed.  My DR. appt is Tues and we have another RV'er's get to gether then Thursday.  I am so much in demand... LOL

We were thinking of heading to Moscow Iowa in the next week or so, but I have found a place in South Bend, IN that says they can do the job.  WE might just go there.  These decisions are tough on my old head. LOL

See ya later and thinks for stopping by....

Nit Shipslog


yaya said...

You are so popular and in demand! Have a safe trip to Indiana if you go! We saw the eclipse today and it was so fabulous! Take care Jack!

Chatty Crone said...

You are a busy man and in demand for sure.

Mevely317 said...

My parents had a Crestliner, too! Judging from photographs, I think it was a 1954 or 1955. On road trips I used to crawl up on the back 'deck' and nap under the glass.
Thinking of y'all at the doc's and lifting a prayer -- both for good results and safe travels. xo