Monday, April 1, 2024

My sister Shirl or Tag..

 Pic of the day:


For today:

A few years after her hubby Jim passed my sister Shirl    met and enjoyed the company of Smoky Coe. He had a band and was a guitar player. He had been a lot of things in his life. Once He had a music production studio at one point and wrote songs also.

Smoky had a strange sense of humor dead panned, I know you  know what I mean. He invited Sherry and I out for dinner one evening with Shirl and himself. There is a VGood steak house in Stanley, NC called the Woodshed. Entering he said, “Order anything you want, but I hear they serve the best hot dogs in the country.”  We all enjoyed a laugh.

Shirley taught me to ride a bike, skate and jump rope. She once hung me 'n my cousin Bob and a friend on the clothes line to dry out.

Shirley met and became friends with a ‘society’ lady in town. The friendship ended abruptly one day as they talked.  Shirl told her the man I am seeing is well known, bragging she said, “He was the first to record songs for Randy Travis.  He even wrote a couple that Randy recorded.” Shirley said proudly.
“Anybody could write for Randy Travis!” was the retort!

Funny, that did it.  LOL  They never ran around together again. ;=)

My good friend Billy told me when I mentioned Shirl was seeing Smokey, he said, “Tell Shirley to drop that guy, he ain’t nothing but trouble.”

Fortunately neither was very serious and it allowed Shirley to fulfill a dream of hers, she had always wanted to be a singer with a band. I never did see her perform, but I heard she was good. She was good on the piano, accordion and a very good singer. She and two girls won a talent contest and appeared on TV in 1953. 

Smokey’s daughter built and moved to Amelia Island in Florida and added an apartment for him.  He tried to get Shirl to move down but she did not want to leave NC. That basically ended the relationship, and she did not get hurt as had been predicted.  Both Shirley and Smokey passed away within a short time of each other.

BUT She had a chance to do the drums, keyboard and sing entertaining seniors in our area.

I smile at her nick name, Tag. She did not know that the last lines of a song, often repeated at the closing of the song is called a ‘tag’. When they told her to tag a song, it had to be explained to her.

Shirley stopped by our Motor home on her way to a country singing engagement.

Shirley and I were the Last of our family, she passed so now I am the ‘last man standing.’

Nite Shipslog


Thank you all for being here… and being YOU.



Sheila Y said...

I miss Shirl and her comments. Wish I could have heard her sing. Sending love from up here, Sheila ❤️

Mevely317 said...

What an extraordinary lady! I wonder if there weren't some audio tapes she left behind? I'm glad she was able to so fully enjoy herself singing with the band. For some reason this makes me think of the old country song, 'I want to waltz across Heaven (with you).'

Chatty Crone said...

I remember her too - and you loved her so. She meant a lot to you and I think her death was hard on you.
Gosh she was a beautiful lady too.