Monday, August 14, 2023

'em dirty Dogs , should be----

Vehicle of the day:

Some dog owners should be in here instead of their dogs...

(I am posting this around 9:30 Mon evening. We hope to be on the road to the court house on Tues. Morning when I would normally post. Prayers appreciated)

Now  For today:

I had the love of 3 dogs in my life. Bingo, ACE, and Purina.  Although my dad was a preacher he was raised as and became a farmer first.  His approach to animals and pets was love and what he considered common sense.

None of my dogs were house dogs.  Dad’s view was, they are pets but also protection.   They let you know if someone is on your property that should not be there especially at night. I never knew there were ‘housedogs’.

During my childhood  I had to chain ACE my favorite dog when I wasn’t around, because he loved to chase chickens, and in our area there were a lot of ‘free range’ chickens. Ace was an English Water spaniel (referred by me and most as a Cocker Spaniel).  Therefore a lot of bird dog in him and anything with wings got his attention.  He could crawl, sit and retrieve on command.

This could have been my Ace!


In my youth many dogs ran free. I was never challenged nor bit by any dog. My nature allowed me to befriend ANY dog. I even petted a man’s dog that let me know I was very fortunate that Chow will eat you up and has bitten many.

The dog population has increased in this world. ALL parks and RV places require dogs leashed, some even limit a dogs weight at 40 pounds or less.

Therefore the bone of contention. AFTER being bit at our home while taking out the trash by a dog still on a leash but pulled the woman trying to hold him and bit me on the chin, neck and arm, I AM VERY LEERY OF ANY LARGE DOG NOT ON A LEASH AND A BIG PERSON HOLDING THEM.


 So I have noticed as we travel that MANY owners have decided “My dog is trained, and does not need a leash!”  OR “This dog is big and looks bad but would not bite a flea, unless I tell him to!”  I do not smile at those attitudes, and it upsets the owners…


Nite Shipslog

PS: Imma thinking if I get a pet when I get old it will be a Yorkshire or a shi t- I mean Shih tzu  


Victor S E Moubarak said...

I had a French poodle once. It barked in a French accent and people did not understand him. Even the cats were confused.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

As you know, our dogs are enormously spoiled, but we wouldn't have it any other way. On the other hand, back in 2008 I was attacked by an oversize black dog, resulting in a hospital stay and home healthcare.
Like the old saying, I don't think there are bad dogs; rather, bad dog owners.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Our doges at home lived in a dog house outside. My parents didn't allow them in the house. But when I had my own, all my dogs were house dogs. They had to be leashed to go for a walk and I loved it when I finally got a yard with a fence around it, so they could run free.

Susie said...

Jack, Don't get me started. Famous last words, "My dog won't bite"...oh yes he will...all dogs will bite. Owners never know what might set a dog off. There's a pitifully skinny man around my neighborhood, who owns a pitbull. I was mowing and all of a sudden the dog was at my yard. I stopped but keep my battery mower on , yes I would mow that dog down if he were to come at me. But as the man approached and tried to leash his dog, it went in the street and acted like it wanted to play. So I had it come to me and held it's collar while he put the leash on. Well that dog started pulling that man down the sidewalk...I yelled, "That is too much dog for you to handle". No kidding, one day I saw this same man and dog walking, leashed. The man was trying to wind the leash around his tiny waist to help hold the dog..the dog started to run and spun the man like a top. My gosh, I still do not understand that. But thankfully I do see them around too often. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

yaya said...

I love dogs but when I was a kid I was mauled by a neighbor's dog that got out of their house. So I'm very leery of dogs I don't know and I'm glad our Westie is small and easy to handle! I couldn't handle my son's dog that we dog sat last month but it worked out OK. Hugs Jack and Sherry~

salemslot9 said...

Hey Jack
I hope your day
went the way
you wanted...