Saturday, August 12, 2023

This is Sunday

  Car of the Day


So for today:

Sunday has changed in the past few years.  Since the USA is a nation formed by Christians, much of our laws and customs are somehow related to the Basic Christian beliefs.

In my early lifetime openly working on Sunday was frowned on, YOU SHOULD BE IN CHURCH..... UNLESS your occupation was required to keep life on an even keel, i.e. Drs, Nurses, Firemen, Police, Farming chores (feeding and milking etc), and others of course.

Things like mowing your lawn, doing the washing outside in plain sight and so on, were frowned on. In a small town there was usually one gas station open.  When the station or any store did open it did so AFTER: 12 noon.

Today? It is a different world. For many in this nation it is only another day of work.  Good or Bad, it is that.  Somethings I sure miss, especially the slower pace, but maybe that is my age showing.

 ‘Little League Games’ on Sunday morning would definitely have been frowned on. Kids were supposed to be in church or Sunday School!!

Sundays showed a lot of porch sitting, visiting and resting. Just sitting in the porch swing and talking was such a sweet time.  NOT EVERYONE or every church was active morning and night, BUT many were.


Good or Bad?  Some of both as always.  WE humans as a rule do not like change and are slow to accept it.  Truthfully  we all accept and resist change according to our own make up. Truthfully many times there is no RIGHT or WRONG except in our OPINIONS.

I WORK MANY SUNDAY AFTERNOONS. It is usually doing something I enjoy and that relaxes me.

Nite Shipslog


PS:  I was surprised years ago when I heard Chic-filet , then Hobby Lobby, closed on Sunday!



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I always take Sunday's as a day of rest. It's the way I've learned to keep going. You've got to take care of yourself if you want to be good for others. Work was a way of life for many years, these days I'm retired, but still I use it as my day to rest and relax. I don't go to an actual church every Sunday, but I stream services on line into my home. I'm lazy and don't want together dressed up and go to church so I opt for the easy way out. It is ok with our church and they always provide for their parishioners if they can't make it in. Hope you have a wonderful relaxing Sunday there !

Mevely317 said...

More often than not, after Sunday services my father rushed home, changed into his uniform and went to work 2nd shift. Not sure, but I suspect he got time-and-a-half and always seized the opportunity.
True, most businesses were closed on Sunday; plus, Texas had something called Blue Laws in place where shoppers could only purchase essential food stuffs.
Sometimes I get to longing for the old days, then I remember the annoyances.

yaya said...

We don't do work on Sunday except when I used to take call for surgery. Appendicitis doesn't care if it's Sunday! We don't shop or eat out or do much other than Church and being home or visiting friends or family. I always make a large dinner after Church but then you're on your own for anything later! I love having a day that I don't have to do anything!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Over here most businesses open on Sundays. Some churches are closed for ever and turned into pubs, restaurants or similar businesses.

God bless.